chapter eight

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sorry I suck ass at updating oops but stick around ilyasm

"Jess, you've been in the bathroom for like an hour," Jamie whined, while banging his fists on our bathroom door. "Hurry up! I've gotta piss."

"Jamie, shut up," I replied calmly, as I applied a thin line of black eyeliner to one of my eyes, easily screwing up the wing. "Shit," I muttered, grabbing the makeup remover to start again. I had just begun the other eye when I heard the door handle jiggle, and the door swing open, revealing Jamie with a key in hand.

"Go ahead and pee I guess," I remarked, barely even glancing at him. He immediately unzipped his pants and let it all out.

And it just kept coming.

He peed while I fixed the wings of my eyeliner, applied my mascara, and put lipstick on. With no pause.

I was impressed, not gonna lie. Not like I'd ever tell him that.

Finished, he zipped his pants back up and sighed happily. I turned to him, my makeup finally done. I'd decided to let my hair go natural, and it was a bit wild and frizzy but the natural hair look was in. If I hated it later I'd put it up.

"Have a nice pee?" I asked, smirking as I leant against the counter.

"You realize we're only going clubbing with the boys, right? Not some red carpet event."

"Sorry that I wanted to look nice," I snapped, fed up with him. He'd been like this the past few days, being a snarky little asshole about everything. I pushed past him out into the hallway, and rushed to my room to quickly put on my dress. I peeled my sweatshirt, cami, and sweats off and grabbed the dress I had picked out. I glanced in the mirror, catching sight of my granny panties and plain white bra. If I wanted anything tonight, this was not going to work. I grabbed my underwear drawer and flung it open, grabbing my new red lace underwear and bra set, and quickly changed into that and my simple black bodycon dress. I put on my red converse high tops, since I didn't feel like going in heels. I grabbed my purse and phone, before flinging my door open and heading for the living room. Claire and West were on the couch watching a video of some sort, and Jamie was sulking in the corner on his phone.

"You guys ready?" I asked, checking the time on my phone. If we left now, we'd probably be around 5 minutes late. The 5 Seconds of Summer boys were meeting us at the club for a little bonding time.

"Yeah, lets head out," West said, grabbing his keys and standing. He headed for the door, and the rest of us followed.


"Stay close, ladies," West instructed as we got out of the car. "This isn't the best part of town."

"That's comforting," I muttered. As we started walking toward the club, West grabbed Claire's waist and Jamie grabbed mine, for protection. Jamie's hand was draped on my hip, but it felt more brotherly than lovery. (lovery isn't a real word I think but it rhymes with brotherly and I think that's rad bye) I glanced at Claire's outfit. She was wearing a very short blue bodycon dress, with silver pumps. Her hair tumbled down her shoulders in curls, and I caught West glancing down her dress due to her moderate cleavage. She looked hot, way hotter than me. I glanced down at my chucks, hoping I made the right choice. I wanted to 5SOS boys to think I was cool, as dumb as it sounded. I didn't want to be the lame lead singer of this band, I wanted to be cool and fresh and edgy, and hot, as self absorbed as that sounds. But I have so much more to compete with, much prettier women like Taylor Swift and Hayley Williams . I had already figured out that the music business was sometimes a cruel business.

As we approached the entrance to the club, I saw one of the 5SOS managers standing at the front of the line, looking around, undoubtably for us. I waved, smiling, hoping he'd see me. He made eye contact, and smiled as he walked to meet us.

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