Prologue: Should've Known Better

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CPA Hope Mikaelson was sitting in the office of one of her clients, Landon Kirby, trying to figure out his finances, seeing something that confused her.

"I think your bookeeper paid for the flatware twice."

"Oh," Landon said as he puts his hand on Hope's leg, raising her skirt up before her hand reached up to stop him.

"Landon? Landon, stop!" She knocks his hand off, looking up at him. "Landon, I can't do this anymore!"

Landon looks at her, smiling. "Hope, I love you. And you love me, I know you do!"

"Of course I love you, Landon! You're a wonderful father, you're great in bed and you're my biggest account! But you're married! And I will never fall in love with anyone else as long as I'm seeing you, so I think you should just work with a different accountant!" Hope looks at him, inwardly cursing herself when she hears her voice break.

Landon looks at her, giving her a sympathetic look. "You know I'm leaving Bree. It just takes time." He gets up and walks around behind her. "We talked about it this weekend. Anytime I even say the word divorce, she loses five pounds."

Hope sits there, trying to keep her emotions in check. "I'm sorry she's bulimic." She then feels Landon's hands on her shoulders, shrugging him off. "But I cannot spend the rest of my life waiting for you, Landon!"

"It's gonna work out very soon now. Her doctor's got her on these mood elevators and she's starting ballet classes."

He leans in and kisses her neck as she rolls her eyes. "It'll probably be just like the playwriting."

Standing up, shaking his head, he responds, "No, this is a commitment to something she knows can't make her fat." He unzips the back of her dress as he continues. "She said that when she was writing she could feel her ass spreading. She's insane! She's got a great behind for someone her age!" He lowers the top of her dress off her shoulders, kissing her neck again.

Hope starts to give in and leans her head back, then moving to push him off her. "Landon, I'm gonna ask Mr. Ross to give your account to someone else!"

"I won't let him! I'll never let anyone else touch my books!"

He then leans in to kiss her neck again when she stands up and turns around to face him, giving him a stern look.

"Oh God, Hope! I'm gonna burst if you don't kiss me soon!"

Hope finally gave in and they ended up on the couch in his office.

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