Chapter 9: He's excited to see me!

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Nini: *I walk upstairs to the guest room* Hey Finny
Finnick: Hey Nini? Did you- did he... are you guys a thing?
Nini: *laughs* No, I'm not dating Ricky
Finnick: Sorry... I got another uncomfy question. Do you want to be? Dating him I mean.
Nini: I um No I- I don't know.
Finnick: oh my gosh! Nina's 1st crush! What happened? You have to tell me everything
Nini: Oh my gosh I'm gonna kill myself...
Finnick: Please don't *laughs*
Nini: Well, when I walked into Mr. Mazzara's room, he was already in there ready to work. He said he wanted to talk to me first and I said that I and nothing to say to him. Then he went on to apologize for what felt like 10 minutes and he really did explain himself. Then he told me something that I never really expected to hear. I'm not going to tell you because I promised I'd keep it secret because it's something he's never really told anyone before besides his friend, who doesn't go to our school, his little sister, and his parents. But I really truly felt for him and I really do forgive him for what happened because I understand why he does what he does. Then, we left school and we went to his house where I met his little sister, Chloe. She was the sweetest little girl I've ever met and even asked me to be her best friend, which I found adorable. Then, Ricky and I worked on physics and he wasn't a jerk this time. After that we kinda sang a song together and you know I don't sing in front of people but something about him just made me feel so comforted. And his voice is so amazing oh my goodness. Then he took me home and we just talked about anything and everything and I just felt so good. And after the three of us had our little conversation, he walked me up to the door and we hugged for what seemed like an eternity and I just didn't want to let go. And now here we are.
Finnick: I'm sorry, back up... you sang a song with him?! You don't even sing in front of me!
Nini: I know right?! And I wasn't even scared. It just felt so normal and I- I don't even know how to explain it
Finnick: I think I can.
Nini: You can?
Finnick: yeah with 3 words
Nini: What words Finnick?
Finnick: You. Like. Him.
Nini: I do?
Finnick: Absolutely. And if I'm not wrong, I think he likes you back.
Nini: Well I'm pretty sure he just sees me as a friend. And I mean, we really only just became actual friends today...
Finnick: Yesterday he made you cry in front of his step mom. Today he invites you over to his house, you play with him and his sister, he sings a song with you, and hugs you "for what feels like eternity" goodbye. I've had some pretty good friends. But never did we connect that much in one day.
Nini: I-I don't know, I really don't think he likes me
Finnick: okay okay. We'll see. Right now, what's important, is you like him.
Nini: Who said I did?
Finnick: the way you looked at him, smiled at him, and talked about him just a minute ago. You were smiling the whole time.
Nini: Okay... maybe I do like him
Finnick: ah ha! *laughs* Not gonna lie, I was scared be being at college, I'd miss your 1st boyfriend
Nini: Why were you scared?
Finnick: because I didn't wanna miss it!
Nini: *laughs* Well what do I do?
Finnick: that's as far as I'm gonna be able to take you on that one. *laughs* I guess see if he likes you back. Maybe invite him to study here. Just wait it out I guess, see what happens
Nini: You're not gonna be here the whole time, right?
Finnick: no I gotta head back in a few days. But I'm happy I was here for this part. And I'm happy I met him and saw you with him. I don't know if I'd believe you if you just told me given how much you hated him 24 hours ago *laughs*
Nini: Ugh don't remind me that you're leaving again.
Finnick: don't think about it. We can spend a bunch of time together in that time, but before then I need you to do something for me.
Nini: What?
Finnick: call Gina. Talk things out with her. See how you we were able to fix things with Ricky, I'm sure you can do the same with Gina.
Nini: I guess I should do that
Finnick: who knows maybe after she apologizes, you'll develop a crush on her too... *laughs* I'm kidding!
Nini: *laughs* Yeah, the only one I have a crush on is Ricky.
Finnick: *laughs*I'm gonna go shower, your gonna call Gina... okay?
Nini: Okay Finny
Finnick: you got this, I love you.
Nini: Thanks, Love you too
Finnick: *I walk to bathroom*
Nini: *I go to my room and FaceTime Gina*
Gina: *I answer* Nini! Oh my goodess I'm so happy you called. I really need to talk to you.
Nini: Yeah I know. I'm sorry I ignored you
Gina: it's totally fine. I would ignore me too. I can't believe I ditched you at that party. All I wanted was to have a good time with you! I was so excited to go and I was so happy you did. But my inner teenager I guess popped out of me. I have no excuse. I'm so sorry for what I did
Nini: It's okay Gina, I understand that's just who you are at party's. It's your favorite place to be and I shouldn't be there holding you back from having your own fun. I wanted to go so we could do something fun together, but parties just aren't my thing. It's not something I have fun at or I feel comfortable at. But, they're your thing and that's okay.
Gina: Ugh this is why I love you. Okay so I wanted to kinda tell you about the whole Ej situation
Nini: Oh gosh what happened?
Gina: so Ej and I definitely kissed and from what you were talking to me about yesterday, I'm sure you saw. All I remember is getting to the party and waking up the next day though. So I decided to ask Ej about it. Basically he just blew me off saying he would never hook up with me. He said it was nice being with me on Saturday but he's glad we never got that far because "I'm not good enough". Which like first of all, RUDE! And 2nd, I was so relieved you have no idea. Basically, that's it. Let's just stay away from him and Ricky. They are just straight bad news. I'm so done with them.
Nini: Well I guess I'm going to have to disagree with you on that last part...
Gina: what do you mean?
Nini: I don't think I'll be staying away from Ricky
Gina: Ummm why? You hate that boy with everything you have
Nini: Well not anymore, quite the opposite actually
Gina: are you sick? We are talking about Ricky Bowen right?
Nini: Yes, Ricky Bowen
Gina: Nini I don't know if I'm really tired or confused or what. Please explain
Nini: Well, *I explain the whole situation about him tutoring me and him actually being a good guy (but not WHY he acts that way at school)* And I also think I like him
Nini: I. Think. I. Like. Ricky. Bowen
Gina: Nini, I've known you since like 1st grade and in the past 2 days that we haven't talked, you made friends with your enemy, got your 1st crush, who, if I might add, happens to be that enemy!
Nini: I know it sounds insane but I've never been more sure of anything Gina! Even Finnick doesn't think I'm stupid, and he's a medical student at Stanford! I feel like I was with a completely different person today- shit. Gina you can't tell anyone about this otherwise Ricky will kill me
Gina: I won't I won't! I swear! But why would he kill you?
Nini: I'm really not aloud to tell you why because it's something I promised him I'd keep secret, but there's a reason he's not the same person he is at home as he is at school.
Gina: mmm keeping secrets already?! Oh gosh I totally ship it!
Nini: *laughs* I still don't think he likes me like that though. I think he just sees me as a friend
Gina: We'll see about that... you should ask him out!
Nini: No! I would never have the confidence to ask him out!
Gina: Ugh fine! You have to keep me updated! So you actually have to tutor him though? That's so... unfortunate? Well no, I guess that good. Is he really that dumb? Sorry, I'm just curious
Nini: He's not as dumb as he makes himself seem but he's probably still not as smart as you. He really does struggle with stuff, but he was actually trying so hard and I admire that
Gina: yes! Sorry, that'd be so embarrassing if he happened to be a lot smarter then me.
Nini: *laughs* Yeah, but he's genuinely so so kind and him and his little sister have the sweetest bond
Gina: it's still blowing my mind.
*they talk for awhile about random things*
Gina: Anyway we have to talk more about this soon. Not talking with you for 2 days was WAY too long. Let's not do that again *laughs* I love you so so much. I gotta go
Nini: I missed you too and I love you so much as well! Bye Gigi!
Gina: *blows a kiss and hangs up*

Ricky: *texts Nini* Chloe asked me to text you goodnight... so... goodnight lol
Nini: *texts* tell her I say sweet dreams and that I'll be over to play again soon!
Ricky: *texts* she's actually sitting next me so she saw lol. So do you wanna come here to study again tomorrow?
Nini: I'd love to. Do I need a ride or can you drive me?
Ricky: *texts* I can drive. I'll see you tomorrow
Nini: *texts* can't wait! *oh gosh did that sound too desperate?*
Ricky: *texts* lol honestly me neither good night! Oh and neither can Chloe haha
Nini: *He's excited to see me? HE'S EXCITED TO SEE ME OMG!* HE'S EXCITED TO SEE ME!
Nini: *texts* Aww love you Chloe! Goodnight you two :)
Ricky: *texts* night! 🙃(upside down smiley)
Finnick: *walks in* I heard yelling...
Nini: He's excited to see me! Me!
Finnick: *laughs* Who? Ricky? I told you!
Nini: Oh I'm gonna faint. Finnick I'm so excited!
Finnick: *laughs* goodnight Nina
Nini: Goodnight Finny!

I'm glad Nini and Gina are okay again... I missed that friendship.
Anyway, leave comments!

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