"Hung over?" I asked him and he nodded. I patted him on the back and proceeded to scrounge through Niall's cupboards in the hopes of finding something edible but other than stale bread, a few cans of beans and a box of soft cornflakes there wasn't much.

"Niall, you have nothing in." I said when he came into the kitchen. He was still shirtless, not that I minded.

"There's eggs and bacon in the fridge." He said. "And beans in the cupboard."

"Beans are disgusting." I cringed.

"Fine, have some eggs." He opened the fridge door and took out the box of eggs and bacon along with a carton of milk. "There's new bread in the bottom cupboard there too." He pointed to one and I opened it to find bread.

"You need to go shopping mate." Louis said.

"What's the point when I'm not here half the time anyways." He shrugged.

"Because, there's times like this when you don't have any food in." Louis patted his shoulder, taking a seat at the kitchen table. Niall didn't look to bothered. I decided to sit down too and I sat between the hungover bastard and the annoying one.

"Isn't anyone gonna help me make breakfast?" Niall asked and we all shook our head.

"Great help." He rolled his eyes taking out a pan. Liam had fallen asleep on the table, his head drooping down. Louis took a picture and showed me nudging me with a giggle making Liam look up.

"Hey Niall." Liam looked up at him.

"Yeah?" Niall asked, turning around to face him.

"What's all the red marks down your back mate?" He smirked.

"I um." He stammered. "I was allergic to my um.. shower gel." Niall said.

"Yeah? And it left red nail marks all down your back?" He raised an eyebrow. Niall hesitantly nodded while I turned bright red.

"Blame Jenny, I bet she was the cause of it." Louis giggled.

"I bet she was." Liam said.

"Yeah, because I um.. bought him the shower gel." I said.

"Or you had sex with him, whichever one is more believable." Louis laughed.

"Shower gel is more believable." Niall said, flipping an egg. "And hey Louis, I thought we spoke about this last night." Niall said, not turning around.

"Yeah, we did, but I find teasing you both too fun." He giggled.

"So Niall and Jenny done it?" Liam was suddenly waking up. I groaned and put my head on the table. "How was it?" He asked me.

"I'm just gonna leave." I went to stand up when Niall stopped me, placing a plate in front of me. It had fried eggs, bacon and toast. He gave Louis, Liam and himself the same.

"It was amazing." Niall answered for me going to sit in his seat.

"He asked me for a condom." Louis laughed.

"How didn't you have a-"

"Boys we are at the breakfast table, let's leave this chat for later!" I exclaimed, feeling very embarrassed. Niall wasn't though, he was looking quite proud but of course he was, he's the boy. Well, man now.

"Wanna go golfing later?" Niall asked.

"Not me, I'm too hung over." Liam said. "I am just going home to Sophia and bed."

"I'd like to." Louis shrugged. "Got nothing else to do."

"Do you wanna come?" Niall asked me. I was a little shocked, I didn't think he would invite me. I remember the time he went golfing and left me on my own when I was still new to the whole thing, I ended up going shopping with Lou.

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