Night 2: Ramping Up The Difficulty

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A/N: Hello, fellow readers and welcome back. When we last left off, Sōji survived her first night at Asuka's Futomaki Palace, just by sheer luck, cause Katsuragi was close to killing her. Now, she comes back for a second night. What will happen tonight?

Again, this is probably the last time I'll say this, but thank you once again for taking interest in this story. Like I said before, I may be new to Wattpad, but I know how to make a FNAF crossover. I've done it in the past, so this isn't difficult at all.

With that outta the way, we're heading into story territory. Again, any pictures or videos you see in this book DON'T belong to me. All credit goes to the original artists and creators.

Like before, the video above (not mine) is theFnaf 1 office ambience. So, feel free to listen to it while reading, just to give that creepy feel...because from here on out, the mechanics of the Hanzō animatronics...get an upgrade.

Five Nights At Asuka's

Night 2

Sōji's POV

I stepped out of my car and slammed the door. I was not looking forward to another night in this place. After everything I dealt with last night, I wasn't sure if I wanted to come back. I should've done what any sane person would've done: leave and never come back, but I felt like...something was up. These animatronic girls wanted to kill me for some reason. I refused to believe that the reason they commit genocide is because they see me as an evil shinobi. I honestly think there is something more to it.

With all of this is my thoughts, I walked up to the doors, and with every step, the dread increased. What if the animatronics girls change up their strategy and they succeed in killing me? I didn't have time to worry though, because as I stepped through the doors, the manager was there to greet me.

Manager: Good evening, Sōji. Did you sleep well?

Sōji: Ye-Yeah. So, how did things go here today?

Manager: Oh, the shows were a complete success. The kids enjoyed the songs that the girls sang in the morning, and the grown-ups enjoyed their...time with some of the girls in the afternoon. Some of the grown-ups got a little too "rough" with Katsuragi, but overall, it was a success today.

Sōji: Well, that's good to hear.

The manager noticed my sarcastic tone and raised an eyebrow.

Manager: Still thinking about last night? Look, I told you! The animatronic girls don't walk around at night, commiting genocide!

Sōji: No! They did! They did last night! I almost died to Katsuragi, and speaking of her, why is her uniform so revealing? This is a family friendly restaurant, and yet, you have grown-ups doing the "do" with the girls, despite the fact that they're robots!

The manager didn't say anything, nor did he show any expression when I asked him that. His face went pale, then, he cleared his throat once again and said something barely audible.

Manager: Just...Just forget about that for now...Its none of your business...Just get going...I'll be back here by 6:00am to relieve you from your shift. Hopefully, you aren't crazy at the time, cause I might need you here in the evening. You see, there will be a big party tommorow, and we need all the help we can get.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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