The General & The Commander

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- Morning at the Mother Earth's Unified Force Headquarters Kiryuu and
Stohl being escorted into
Faith's Office behind her is
a advance techno windows
and beside the shelf was a
aqurium her desk had virtual monitors and Motion holograms of the planets and
galaxies "uncuffed them both " Faith orders the officer and he uncuffed both
Kiryuu and Stohl "Been awhile faith you look awfully young at your 30's"
Kiryuu sarcastically comments " and your soul
is still darker like your lungs" Faith sassed back at her and she flinched by it
Faith stood up from her chair clenching her fist she
throw a Makiwara punch
at kiryuu and the other throws a cork haymaker at
her Stohl swiftly steps up and catches both of their fist
before it hits their mugs he
felt the impact of their punches ringing through his
shoulder and collar bones
" Damn you Ladies surely
Pack alot of punching power" he comments as he
lets their fists go Faith went
back to seat and sits down
crossing her arms and legs -

[ MEUF Headquarters]
[ General's Office ]
[ 7:00 AM ]

Faith: Look Who had return
the coward from 20 years
ago who is infront of me
Kiryuu: I guess you are still
pissed about that Night
Faith: And you stohl you
chose the path of terrorist
With three of us had united
our might and skills the
Incident happened three years ago wont occur
Stohl: so you had added to
your bucklet list of blame
Faith: Its only two of you
Stohl: Oh? what a Honor
Kiryuu: I dont call that honor stohl i call that it
Persecution of Truth
Faith: You got it damn right
Nicotin for brains
Kiryuu: Nicotin boosts my
Brain's Performance
Faith: for making more and
More Irrational decisions
Stohl: Alright calm down
you two Faith tell me what
Happened During that night
Faith: it happened at mid night of 14th of July the amercian Independence day

- 12 of midnight 14th of July
American Independence
Kiryuu was walking in the
Back streets of California a
Pebble speeding like a bullet
been thrown at her she move heard hinges downwards evading the pebble while it cuts her cigarette into half she push
her head back up spitting the other half of cigar from
lips " I know that you will
eventually come after my
ass faith " she names a person and faith comes out
from the shaded alley faith
comes out wearing a trench
coat and black jeans black
shoes while kiryuu wears
Black tank top and gray leather jacket and black jeans and brown slippers
Faith rushes forward at her
she takes her hands from her pockets anticipating  a
strike from the other, Faith
throws a 720 round house
kick at her she raises her
fist for a counter faith stops
the motion feinting it to throw a snap kick at her
neck kiryuu raises a side
wrist guard blocking the
kick as she perform a split
entry movement throwing
a Fente on Faith's Mug the
other grab her calf and throws a elbow strike at
her mug then followed by
a side kick on her sternum
knocking her off the balance
she falls on her back then
performs a hand stand to
Lug a martello de negativa
on the other, Faith grab her
heel kiryuu performs a one
hand stand using her free
leg hooking Faith's neck then
slamming both of them on
the pavement they both kip
up to themselves Faith throws a lethwei jabs at her
she kids back Faith Gazelle's
Punch at her Chin then a
a haymaker on her face she
falls on the pavement faith
attempts to curb stomped
her she grabbed Faith's heel
tossing her off the weight
both stood up kiryuu rush
forward throws a barrage of
Wing chun punches Faith
Retaliates with wing chun
palm blocking and bencao
Kick's Kiryuu in the knee
twice reeling her down
Faith lugs a hazuya sweep
at her feets kiryuu leaps to
throw a shortened Flikflak
putting them both on pavement again faith coils
over and kiryuu did the same they both throw a
Makiwara punch at each
other's solar plexus both
hissed in pain as they both
grasps the pit of their stomach " You are going to
work under me even i had
to force you " Faith claims"
" I am no one's Dog" Kiryuu
replied as soon both catches
their breath Faith throws a
Flying Kick at her mug she
skids back Faith throws a
Flying knee strike on her face kiryuu lugs a Liver
Blow Faith skids Backwards
then she throws a standing
cork on kiryuu's side neck
the eyepatched female fell
on her back flat Faith wipes
the blood trinkling down her lips then she turn around
as she about to walk away
Kiryuu grabs her from behind putting her on a rear
Naked choke in a nelson lock
style keepiny Faith's arms
at bay then she dropped faith on the ground tigthening the choke forcing
Faith into Submission she
let faith go after submission
she turned around grabbing
Cigar from her pocket lights
it up she smokes it as she
walked away from the scene
Faith rolled over resting her
back in the pavement watches Kiryuu leaving -

[ MEUF Headquarters ]
[ General's Office ]
[ 9:20 AM ]

Faith: there you have it the
story about that night
Stohl: Too bad i wasnt there
to witnessed all of that
Faith: unfortunately you
were a terrorist that time
Stohl: You are making
my ears burn from that
Kiryuu: You are the one who
ordered to find me three years ago now you are putting me down? what a
self conceited woman
Faith: i am indeed self conceited like how you are
being a irrational dunderhead Kiryuu
Kiryuu: Whatever this conversation is pointless
Faith: I Hate to agree with
you on that. sent these two
to the prison keep an eye on
them and do not blink

- The Soldiers saluted at faith and handcuffs both
Kiryuu and Stohl then make
them move Faith and Kiryuu
exchanges soul piercing glare at each other it created
a Dark atmosphere that even
stohl and soldiers wanted to
stand aside then kiryuu broke their stare down
" Alright lets go" she notions
the soldiers they nodded and
Escorted both of them to their own Prison Cell -

[ To Be Continued ]

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