[💌] Hello Counselor (1k Special)

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This story is inspired by @H2O_Fearless. I read the one shot and decided to write my own version of it. Hope you don't mind🥺
"We root for you to solve your concerns! Tell us your concerns!"
The Mc yelled through the loud applaud.
"Let me introduce you to our today's guests!"
"Actress Joon Ji Hyun!"
The croud cheered for the beautiful woman.
"Singer Kim Taehyung!"
The girls screamed when Taehyung winked to the camera.
"And last but not least, Rapper Suga!"
The rapper smiled, waving to his fans.
"I heard that someone has released a new song."

The crowd screamed, exactly knowing who that someone was.
"Taehyung, your new song is called 'Stigma'. The fans are especially going crazy for the choreography. Why don't you perform for us?"
Taehyung stood up, smiling slightly. As soon as the song began, Taehyung became a new person. His gaze piercing, body moving to the beat. The crowd was totally astonished, enjoying the show. Taehyung sat back down, going back to his old bubbly self.
"I was blinded by your beauty."

Youngha said sighing.
"Thank you."
Taehyung said.
"I’m going to need phone number for insurance purposes."
The crowd laughed, while Taehyung's ears turned red.
"OK, now let's stop before this gets out of hand."
"We have three concerns today."
"Please show us the keywords."
"Home is a prison."
"Embarrassing hobby."
"Let's start with Expectations!"

"Okay, we need a father and a friend."
"Suga, you're the father and Ji Hyun you're the friend."
"Hello, I'm a seventeen year old boy going to high school. I'm an straight A student, class president, under the top 3 in my school and great at sports and music."
The idols listened in awe, thinking how someone could be so smart.
"But I don't want to be that. One person is the reason for that."
"89%...failure. 94%...failure. 100%...silence."
It's my dad.

"94%?! I didn't raise you to be a failure! What is this, huh?!"
"Dad, I really gave my best-"
"Your best?! If you really gave your best you would be coming home with 100% and not 94%!"
"No phone for one week!"
"Since my dad always punishes me for the smallest things, my friends started to distance themselves from me."
"Let's go out tonight."
"What about Jungkook?"
"There's no use calling him. He's probably not allowed to go. Like always."

"Please free me from this hell."
The crowd applauded when the Mc finished.
"Let's meet this person."
The crowd started cheering when a cute boy slid down the slide. Taehyung rushed to help the boy. Jungkook held his head low, to shy to look at his favorite idol. He sat down, ears tinted red.
"Please introduce yourself."
"H-hello...I'm Jeon Jungkook, 17 years old, living in Busan."
He bowed with a shy smile, making the audience coo.

"Jungkook, tell us about your dad."
Jungkook played with his sleeve when he saw that Taehyung was looking at him.
"I'm not allowed to get results below 95% and if I do then I'm not allowed to have my phone and he forces me to stay in my room learning for the rest of the day."
Ji Hyun gasped.
"95%? Is it even possible to always score that high?!"
"That's the problem. No matter how many hours I learn, I can't always score high in every exam. It's just impossible."

"Does he reward you for good scores at least?"
Taehyung asked.
Jungkook blushed.
"Uhm...n-no. I don't need rewards, I just want him to say something like good job or well done."
"OK and why are you blushing?"
Youngha bluntly asked, making the crowd laugh.
Jungkook covered his face with his hands.
"I-I'm not!"
"Ah...Taehyung-ssi, I think you have a fan."

Jungkook officially wanted to bury himself alive.
"W-what? No!"
"Don't tease the poor boy."
Yoongi said.
"Right. Let's get back to the topic. I think it's the best if we talk to the father."
The camera changed to a well dressed man in his fourties.
"Hello sir. Could you please introduce yourself?"
"Good evening. I'm Jeon Jae-Hyun (not the real name of Jungkook's dad) and I'm Jungkook's father."

"Sir, your son says that you have to high expectations on him. Is that true?"
"Yes, I have expectations on him. But they're definitely not high. I only ask him to have good scores on his exams. That's his job as a student."
"That's true, but not under 95%? Isn't that too harsh."
"Not at all. Does he have anything better to do than learning? No, he doesn't."
"Of course he has! He's a sixteen year old boy. He surely wants to meet his friends or do some sort of hobby."

"I let him waste his time once a week for singing, so he should be grateful."
Jungkook shook his head.
"I-It's true that he let's me have singing lessons once a week, but he almost always doesn't let me go as a punishment when I make him angry."
"Sir, why do you get angry at your son all the time? He seems like a nice boy."
"Because his grades are dropping. He sometimes even has B's! That's not acceptable."
"Why not? I got even F's when I was in school and look where I am now."
Taehyung said.

"Well I don't want my son to be an idol. He shouldn't waste time on something like that"
"You always say that everything your son does is a waste of time."
"Yes, it is. Why does he have to meet with friends? They're going to leave him anyway. He always stutters when he talks. Not even the lessons I sent him helped against it."
Tears started streaming out of Jungkook's eyes.
Ji Hyun gently stroked Jungkook's back.
"Did you always stutter?"
Taehyung asked.

"N-no...I think it s-started when I was in first y-year of school. My dad made me very u-unsure of myself and I-I guess it developed from there..."
"It's not even bad. I almost didn't even notice it."
Youngha said.
"I think it's cute."
Taehyung said, making Jungkook blush.
"A man shouldn't be called cute. Look how he dresses! Almost like a girl."
"Sir, please lower your voice."
Yoongi said.
"I k-know that he doesn't l-love me, but I just wish for him to be n-nice to me..."

"What makes you think he doesn't love you, Jungkook-ssi?"
"He told me that I-I was not planned and he d-didn't want me..."
The audience gasped.
"Sir, how could you say that? He's still your son."
"I know."
"I-I came here to also tell him something...we m-made a psychological test in school a-and I was diognosed d-depression...the teachers t-told me to go c-check the results with a psychiatrist. I was s-scared to tell my dad."
His father's expression faltered.
Jungkook silently nodded.

After the filming Jungkook sat in the studios café alone, drinking hot chocolate, his favorite. After the confession of his, his father seemed to understand Jungkook more. Jungkook was happy that they talked it out. Now it was time to call his friend to tell him. He was his only friend since childhood, Namjoon.
"Namjoon hyung! I-I finally solved the problem. H-honestly I didn't think they could c-convince him."
"That's great Kookie! And how was it to meet your favorite idol?"

Jungkook could literally hear the smirk on the other end of the line.
"H-hey! I mean he is e-even more handsome in person. He is p-perfect in any way and oh my God h-his dancing was amazing! I-I was about to faint when he touched my h-hand! I'm never g-going to wash my hand a-again..."
"Now that wouldn't be a very good idea, don't you think?"
A deep voice interrupted him.
Jungkook squeaked, accidentally ending the phone call. He turned around to see Taehyung smiling at him.

He's going to faint. He's going to faint-
"Are you okay? You look frightened."
"W-what? Me? Uhm...I'm not f-frightened! Totally not!"
Taehyung laughed.
"May I sit down?"
Jungkook hastily nodded.
"Don't y-you have important things to d-do?"
He blurted out.
Taehyung just chuckled.
"I just wanted to talk to a cute boy."
"Oh. Well I-I didn't see anyone come in h-here."
"I guess I have to keep searching then."

He stood up and left, leaving Jungkook alone on his table. That's when he noticed a small pice of paper.

Call me cutie<3

Jungkook's face was in flames.

Thank you guys so much for 1k!!!

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