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I sighed and put my pen down. I took a look at the clock and it was 11 o'clock. An adequate time to get to sleep. I paused for a moment, thinking of Oikawa.

He was in Japan so that means he's 8 hours ahead of me. So it would be 7am for him. I could maybe send a message? Yeah. It wouldn't hurt.

Hey I'm going to bed now but it's most likely early morning for you so good morning <3

Good morning and goodnight to you too <3

It is indeed, 7 in the morning and I'm up because I've got volleyball practice in twenty minutes

Oh good luck! And don't forget to take breaks and drink water. We don't want you going overboard and hurting yourself

I don't think Iwa-chan would let me do that again

What do you mean again?

I hurt my knee from practicing too much

That's a story for another time though. You get to sleep

Okay okay, who are you? My mother?

Maybe. Sleep well though. We can talk later

Thank you bye!

Bye bye

I slid my phone onto my desk and plugged it in to charge. As I fell asleep, I got thinking about Oikawa.

He was the first person I've matched with on here that I've spoken with more than once. He's also the first one I've really clicked with.

He's looked past what I do and past my appearance to see me. To get to know me. Not to be my friend but with the intention of being in a relationship with me.

Usually the thought of people wanting to date me made me feel confused and curious. Why? Why would they want to date me?

With Oikawa, it just feels so right. The idea of me being with him, despite distance, despite time difference, despite everything that keeps us apart, it makes me feel warm. It makes me feel like it could work. Like we could be together for years to come.

Once I finish sixth form, I'm not going to university, I've already got a job set up. Art is what I love and what I want to do for the rest of my life. That's why I'll be working as an illustrator for my father. He's an author and has been wanting someone to draw for his books. I've been doing it for free for years, since I got really good. But since I'm still in school, he can't hire me full time yet.

Anyway, I had a feeling that whatever was between me and Oikawa, it would work out. I mean yeah it'll be a bit tricky at first, trying to figure out when we could talk to each other but other than that, it should be fine.


I smiled at my phone before slipping it into my pocket and picking up my school bag and volleyball bag.

"Bye mum!" I yelled into the house to my mother who was in the kitchen.

"Bye honey, I'll see you when I get home from work!" I closed the door and began walking to school.

Along the way, I saw Iwa-chan. I grinned happily and jogged to catch up with him.

"Iwa-chan~! You'll never guess what happened," I yelled excitedly. I could hear him groan loudly but ignored him completely.

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