chapter 01

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"kei," y/n called, looking at him while walking 'til they arrive to her house since they always go home together. "can i ask you something random?"

"no, you can't." tsukishima sarcastically replied. he was about to tease her but was taken aback when he saw how serious y/n looked.

tsukishima looked away and sighed in defeat. "fine. go ahead," he muttered, trying not to sound overly interested.

"do you hate me?" y/n asked, furrowing her eyebrows at him.

tsukishima took a glance of her face and stopped walking. he looked into her eyes, raising an eyebrow, quickly responding to her question. "akaashi y/n, i do. more than anyone."

"that's so you," y/n rolled her eyes, slightly laughing.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

three days later

y/n loves drinking milk even up until this day so she walked in the corridors, making her way to their school's vending machine. and before she could get there, she saw yamaguchi and tsukishima standing infront of their classroom's door.

"hi y/n good morning!" yamaguchi replied, giving her a genuine smile.
"GM!!!!!" she grinned. after responding, y/n swiftly faced tsukishima which made him furrow his eyebrows at her.

"hey, kei." y/n was cut off when tsukishima looked away, knowing that y/n would greet him.

"good mo―"
"―rning." tsukishima interrupted her whilst adjusting his headphones..

"thanks for nothing, kei" y/n sarcastically replied while rolling her eyes.
"just y/n being her usual stupid self, huh?" he rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

yamaguchi approached y/n and gave her an apologetic look. "he's been like this for two days now, sorry." he sweatdropped.

"no it's fine!! we usually joke around like this so it's nothing to me anymore!" she laughed. "is he this mean to you?" y/n whispered.

yamaguchi shook his head in response, letting out a giggle. "hmm, fortunately no. but sometimes he is .. i think!"

"yamaguchi, break's almost over." tsukishima stated as he walked ahead of them.

"oh tsukki, you're right! see you whenever, y/n!" yamaguchi said.
"sure! bye, tadashi-kun!"

yamaguchi ran, following tsukishima since he was left behind. tsukki stopped in his tracks and stared at y/n, "y/n, yamaguchi suggested we should go to school together as well. what are your opinions about it?"

"are you for real asking me that?"
"actually nevermind, i'm leaving." he turned his back and continued walking, but stopped when y/n spoke. "I WAS ABOUT TO SAY IT'S OKAY. can you at least give me time to speak mf," she rolled her eyes, trying to control her laugh.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

"keiji!" she called out her brother who was currently practicing playing the keyboard.

he paused, immediately turning his back to meet his sister's gaze. "y/n, how many times do i have to tell you to lower your voice a bit?" he giggled while he ruffled her hair.

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