''I know, it's been really tense around the house''

''Look, I cannot accept the relationship with Kendall, but I won't stop you from being with her. I'll support from afar, I see you like her a lot and if she makes you happy then fine I guess. Also, your dad kept talking about it to me so much''

I laughed and nodded my head, I knew she wasn't going to just accept it, but at least she didn't ban me from seeing her,

''You'll come around''

''Ehh, never say never''

I hugged her and she hugged me back

''We should get going''


I opened the door for my mom and she grinned at me, we both went our separate ways. When I got inside the car with Victor and Alison, I saw them staring at me smiling with wide eyes,

''Wow, you look pretty Bridgette'' Victor looked at me,

''Thank you Victor, you both look great, so matchy matchy''

Alison laughed, they both were wearing purple. Alison was wearing a purple dress with ruffles at the end and her hair was in a long ponytail while Victor was wearing a purple shirt with a black suit jacket and black slacks to go along with it and his hair was the same as usual,

''Let's get going'' Alison pointed at the road and Victor started the car right away,

''Guys, my mom told me that she's fine with me and Kendall's relationship, like she hasn't accepted it yet, but she won't stop me from seeing her either''

''Awe, well that's nice, bittersweet, but still good that at least she didn't keep you away from Kendall''


''Don't worry Bridge, she'll come around'' Victor looked at me in the rear view mirror,

''I hope so''

''I can't believe we're finally done with this hell hole finally''

''Yeah, are you guys going to college?''

''I got a football scholarship''

''Awe really, that's so good Vic''

''Thank you and Alison said she's going to go as a undecided major''

''That's a thing?''

''Yeah, I don't know what I wanna do, so I decided on that for now until I can try out things and see what I like'' Alison stated

''Kendall offered to show me some colleges, but I still don't know if I should go''

''Why not?''

''I really can't handle more school''

''Yeah, but a degree helps to get a career, at least that's what they told me in high school'' Victor said

''Vic, love, that's bullshit, Bridgette, college doesn't guarantee a job, but it could help you on the path in life. I rather go to college and learn new shit about something I'm interested in than be a fat lazy slob who has no job and just lives at home all day''

''I guess so, I gotta think about all of this''

''I can't wait to hear my name being called, 'Alison Anderson' oh that's going to be good, rub it in everyone's faces who doubted me especially Carter's punk self. Still can't believe he tried to keep me from graduating''

''You deserve everything you got coming to you Ali, thank god we ditched Carter, now we can be the fierce three''

''Nah, we need a new name now, how about the three musketeers'' Victor chimed in

Kendall Red (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now