The One and Only Part

Depuis le début

"Parker, prepare him to go through the tunnels," the tiger face said.

I don't remember much of what happened after that. It was as if I suddenly appeared outside the base. I started my journey to the closest village I guess. It was several hours before I arrived upon anything, but no one was around. It was also very beat up and in ruins. It looked as if it had been centuries since anyone had been here. I saw what looked like a glowing rock. When I picked it up it started to dim as if I was taking its power. That is when I blacked out, but barely before I think I saw some figures in dark clothes jump down from a tree.

"Eric, that's the wrong boy. You weren't supposed to let the power drain from the stone unless we absolutely knew it was the right person," I heard someone say.

"Sorry I saw someone touch the stone, so I panicked and accidentally let it drain before I could stop it," Eric, I think, said.

I groaned, "Who are you and why can't I feel anything?"

"He's awake!" one of them exclaimed. "What do we do? Knock him out again or..."

"Don't you dare knock me out again," I shouted and groaned from feeling a little pain. I finally got my eyes opened and saw not two, but three people standing around me.

The two I heard started arguing and yelling things like, "Why couldn't you have stopped?" or "Why did you have to get assigned to me?"

The third person in the room was just staring at me like I didn't belong which I don't. The person finally spoke up and asked, "Who are you?"

I don't know why I gave the person my full name, but I felt so compelled to, "Tyler Logan."

The person continued to give me their name, "I'm Alise Bennet."

"What happened?" Again I have more questions.

She looked at me and then looked down again. She repeated that several times and then finally said, "Adrian knocked you out. Where are you from, Tyler?"

I paused not knowing why I answered, but I did, "The Caver Rebels."

"Wow! I've never met a rebel before! My brothers say they work for the king, so do you?"

"No, I... Wait what?"

She was looking around as if she would get caught for doing something bad. She finally said, "The Caver Rebels are said to be the king's personal guard to take out people who go against his wishes."

"I'm not sure they don't tell us much. Only people high up in the ranking system get told stuff that important."

"You must know something, but you aren't lying," she whispered.

I finally go back to questions again, "How do you know I'm not lying?"

"We injected you with some of our truth serum and numbed your body," she said proudly.

The two people I assumed were her brothers came back. I didn't even realize they had left.

The taller of the two said, "I guess you will have to do. Help me inject the anti-numbing serum, Sailor."

Sailor picked up my arm while his brother pulled out a long and sharp needle from... Wait needle?

"Please, just carry me or leave me here. Anything, but a needle."

The young man got closer, quickly pushing the needle into my skin and pulling it out quickly. Normally a person who was numb wouldn't feel any pain from that, but of course I did. Everything blacked out... Again.

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