Chapter 17: Display of Deception

Start from the beginning

Everyone knows the difference between right and wrong. But how long does it take for that line to blur? 

Does one not become more callous to what's wrong eventually? 

This was precisely the case for the cloaked figure scaling the outside walls of the castle. A shadowy figure, fleeing into the night after spying on the growing situation in the palace.

But they were being watched.

They had gone unnoticed long enough each night but this night was different.

They were being watched by keen eyes.

Asheria was lurking in the dark, stalking the suspicious figure as they made an escape towards the forest. She had awoken from her sleep when her wolf growled in her mind when she caught the distinct scent of someone passing by her door.

She had equipped herself with a sword and left her bed at once.

The sound of crickets filled the air as she kept her distance yet watched the figure closely. She hid behind the dark shadows of one of the support columns outside the castle, peering from behind it.

When the figure disappeared into the forest, she moved slowly and silently. She decided it would be easier for her to navigate in her wolf form, and quickly disrobed and abandoned her sword. Falling to her knees and hunching over, she allowed her body to take on the form of her beast, and she was quickly blanketed in a soft, fur coat.

Shaking her fur, she let her wolf protect her territory and control her senses so they could track the figure with better accuracy.

Nose to the ground, she followed. Occasionally, the wolf would raise her head to sniff the air in order to follow the scent that guided them deeper into the forest. Strong, thick muscles allowed her legs to pick up the pace and push off the ground faster, the excitement of the hunt coursed through the wolf's veins and fed the wild, strong instinct to protect and defend.


When the cloaked figure came into view and realized that they were being pursued, they started to run faster. Upon seeing they could not outrun a wolf, though, they too, fell to the ground and forcefully shifted into a small, dark wolf. The exact color was disguised under the cover of darkness, but Asheria could assume it must've been either black or dark brown.

Asheria knew something was wrong when the wolf started to flee. Her wolf growled in response, eyes narrowed and lips pulled into a snarl as she easily caught up to fleeing creature.

Asheria's wolf pounced.

Her front legs extended, sharp nails exposed and arched towards their target. She struck the hindquarters of the dark wolf, leaving claw marks as loud yelps cut into the night.

The wolf fell to the ground but quickly flipped up on its belly, cowering and snarling out its anger. Its tail flicked back and forth in a display of aggression and it bore its sharp, white teeth in an attempt to intimate its opponent.

But Asheria's wolf would have none of it.

She stood over her captive who refused to submit and quickly launched herself at the aggravated form. Latching her teeth around the scruff of its neck, she growled loudly in an attempt to force the wolf to submit.

When the wolf didn't, she sunk her teeth in deeper into the skin, tasting blood and listening to the cries of the writhing wolf in her jaws. Blood dripped down her mouth and splattered to the ground below.

Submit or die.

Wolves who exhibited suspicious behavior and refused to submit to their queen were immediately questioned. Spies were not taken lightly in any kingdom.

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