Chapter 1 - Moving Day

Start from the beginning

Most girls would want their boyfriends to beg them to stay or do something romantic but we weren't like that. We were the opposite of that. We smoked together, we got drunk together, well I got drunk and he looked after me, we got high together and we had sex. There was romance but it was our kind of romance, not textbook romance that you'd see in a film or in normal relationships. We were different and I liked that. I suppose i loved him and he definitely loved me but like I said, we aren't a stereotypical couple so we would never admit it.

"It's a shame we were good together, does this mean we're over then?" He replied.

"Yeah, don't think long distance would work for us" I told him.

"Nah it wouldn't, keep in touch though, if we ever find ourselves in the same state again let me know, there might be a chance to hookup" He said, finally turning to look at me.

"I will do, that'd be nice" I said before standing to leave.

"So I'll see you later then babe" He said, standing too.

"Yeah see you later" I replied before leaning in to kiss him one last time. I'll miss him, I won't admit that to anyone but I will secretly miss him.

I made it home just in time; I made sure to use some body spray and chewing gum before I went into the house. My parents and siblings knew I smoked but I still didn't like to smell of smoke when I got home.

I took a seat at the dining table in between Felicity and Brad, my older brother. He was just a little protective over me.

"Where've you been then?" He asked quietly.

"To see Alex, we broke up" I whispered back.

"Oh I'm sorry" He replied.

I shrugged. I wasn't too bothered about it really, I'd find someone else eventually.

"Are you excited to move to L.A?" My mum asked excitedly.

"Nope" I mumbled.

My parents shot me a dirty look.

"Yeah I can't wait" I said sarcastically.

That night I lay in bed scrolling through twitter when I heard some little footsteps come into my bedroom. I looked up to see Felicity stood there.

"I can't sleep, can I stay in here?" She asked

"Of course, what's wrong?" I moved over to make room for her.

"I don't want to move" She said, looking up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Me neither but we'll be fine, don't worry" I said, reassuring her. I had no idea if we'd be fine but she needed me to comfort her not tell her the truth because honestly the truth sucked, it always sucked.

She settled down and fell asleep almost instantly.


I rolled over to turn my alarm off. It was 7am on a Saturday and I was not a morning person, not today, not ever. I shook Fliss to wake her up and she groaned but opened her eyes.

"It's moving day princess" I said with a sarcastic tone.

I tied my brunette hair up into a messy bun and threw on some leggings and a hoody that I'd left out of the boxes.

I brushed through Felicity's hair and did the same, she liked to match me.

"Mia have you packed everything?" Brad came in to ask. We were close and I liked that, I liked the fact that I could go to him no matter what. He was 18 which meant he was only 2 years older than me.

"Yep" I said, rolling my eyes.

He laughed before picking up some boxes and taking them out to the moving van. I did the same and followed him.

Once everything was in the van we all piled into the car and headed to the airport. Flying was mine and George's worst nightmare, he was my other brother, he might only be 11 but he liked to act like he was as old as Brad.

Mum passed out the travel sickness tablets and off we went to the airport.

This was going to be hell.


"Mia wake up, we're here" My mum said shaking me.

I looked up to see our new house in front of me. I'd slept the whole plane journey and car journey here; I hadn't been sleeping much lately so it was well needed and if I was asleep I wasn't thinking about how terrified I was about being on that plane or how much I didn't want to move.

I got out of the car and made my way towards our house, I hated to admit it but it was gorgeous and a lot bigger than I expected. Maybe I was going to like it here after all.

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