Chapter 7- Sympathetic Smiles

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Everything was black, just like before.

I could hear muffled voices and what sounded like the beeping of a machine. My eyes started to slowly flutter open but the light above me was too bright, causing it difficult for my eyes to adjust and fully open. I felt someone holding my hand, squeezing it and rubbing the back of it with their thumb.

My eyes finally opened to reveal a white room. My heart started to race as the realisation hit me, I was in hospital. I didn't know why because the last thing I could remember was getting a drink but I knew it must be something serious and that caused me to panic even more.

I tried to lift my head and sit up but as soon as I attempted any movement dizziness overtook me and I fell back to being laid down. I sighed at my defeat and tried to just look around the room from the position I was in instead.

The room was pretty empty, I could see my mum who was sat on a chair opposite my bed, my dad was pacing around the room and I turned to look to the other side to see Brad sat on a chair holding my hand. I could see the worry and upset on everyone's faces.

My mum shot up when she saw my head move and both her and my dad rushed to the side of my bed.

"Oh my gosh honey" My mum said, in a worried tone as she placed her hand on my forehead.

"What happened?" I asked, my voice sounded weak and nowhere near as loud as I had hoped.

"You collapsed due to the lack of food in you" Brad replied, with a sympathetic smile.

I just faintly nodded as I started to recall more of what happened.

"Me and your dad will leave and let your friends come in" my mum said as she forced a smile before exiting the room.

Within minutes JC and Kian burst threw the door and to my surprise they were shortly followed by no other than Andrea.

I put on a fake smile and tried to sit up again with Brads assistance. They all pulled up chairs around my bed and gave me sympathetic looks. That's what's going to annoy me the most, the sympathy. I hate the feeling of everyone feeling sorry for me like I'm weak or something.

For the first time ever Andrea actually smiled at me.

"I'm so glad you're okay, my heart stopped when I saw you fall to the ground" She said, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"It was you?" I asked confused, scrunching my eyebrows.
"Yeah?" She replied, sounding unsure.

I sat in deep thought for a couple of minutes as more pieces fell into place.
It was Andrea who entered just before I blacked out, she was the one I saw.

"I'm so sorry for not noticing that you were getting ill again Mia, I feel so stupid for not making you eat" Brad said with a guilty look in his eyes.
I started to shake my head slowly as I looked up at him.
"It's not your fault" I said quietly.

"You couldn't have done anything" I added.
I could see the tears forming in his eyes as he grabbed my hand and rubbed the back of it with his thumb.

After a couple of minutes of silence a nurse walked in to my room and smiled at me sweetly as she made her way over to the bed I was laid in.

"So honey I have good news, you will be able to go home tomorrow during the day as it is quite late to be sending you now but as long as you try to eat we are happy for you to go in the morning" She announced.

My smile grew as I looked at Brad.

I hated the hospital so I couldn't have been happier to know I could leave soon, they were too boring and Brad knew this from the amount of complaining I usually do when I'm here.

The nurse left the room to go discuss 'things' with my parents, leaving just us five in the room again.

"So want to try some food?" Jc asked, nervously.

"Er yeah why not" I replied, sending him a smile with my reply.

"I'll come choose her something" Brad said as he stood up to join him.

"Yeah I'm hungry too so I'm coming" Andrea added and left the room with them.

I sat there in my bed awkwardly not knowing what to say to kian. He stood up from the chair he was originally sat in and came over to the one next to my bed.

"I was so scared when Andrea shouted us Mia, I thought we might have lost you" He said looking down at his hands, you could hear the sadness in his voice.

"Hey don't worry I'm fine, I always am" I said trying to reassure him as I grabbed one of his hands in an attempt to get him to look at me.

His head slowly lifted and I looked into his eyes. I forced my best smile, hoping it'd help him feel better about the situation.

He started to lean further towards me as his face edged closer and his eyes still staring deep into mine.

And that's when he kissed me.
It wasn't like the kisses I had before with Alex or even the one with Jc. It was soft but passionate and I felt fireworks exploding inside me.

His lips left mine and I realised what I'd done.

I kissed Kian.

Kian the boy who has a girlfriend.

I knew it was wrong, I knew I should never have kissed him back but I just couldn't help myself.

I laid back onto my bed trying to hide the smile that was desperately trying to appear on my face.

Thoughts were racing around my brain about the possibilities of us. What if he actually likes me? I closed my eyes and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I could feel Kian's eyes on me but I couldn't look round at him, I didn't want to see the expression on his face in case it wasn't the same one that was on mine.

Seconds later the boys and Andrea burst back into the room nearly giving me a heart attack since I was in my own little bubble thinking about what had just happened.
My heart instantly sunk when I saw Andrea walk over and gracefully sit on his lap before kissing him.

I was fighting back the tears. I felt so stupid thinking that the kiss meant something, I was nothing to him and it was clearly a mistake.

I turned my attention back to my brother and Jc who were handing out the food.

I needed to forget about it.
I couldn't let that one kiss ruin everything.

*Authors Note*
I had to make sure this chapter was a bit longer since my writing has been lacking lately.
With exams coming up I've barely got time to write so I'm sorry that I won't be updating often but I'll try to get them up whenever I can.
Thankyou for reading!
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