15| The Point Of No Return

Start from the beginning

He stood there, as if he were having an out of body experience, watching the whiskey pouring across the floor like a neverending stream.

When he looked at his reflection in it all he could see was that hideous woman's face and nothing else.

She was everywhere, and now she was in my mind too. Derek thought biting his lower lip. He could feel his sanity slowly been chipped away from him.

" Son is everything okay?" I heard you screaming." The old man asked entering the kitchen. He recoiled back with horror, when he saw Derek standing in the middle of the kitchen floor; just standing there not uttering a word. The old man looked at Derek, thinking how different this young man looked right now.

Derek knew he had to leave, these people were far too kind and honourable to be subjected to this kind of madness.

"Did you manage to get a hold of your wife?" The old man asked him.

"I have to go. He said hoarsely.

"I have to go and take care of something, once and for all."

Derek slowly staggered to the man he had a crazy look in his eyes, he knew after tonight nothing would ever be the same again.

"Do you need a lift?" The man asked Derek who was already making his way into the living room.

He couldn't bear to stay here a minute longer and encroach on their home, he knew their safety was at even more risk just having him here, but before he left he knew he had to take something with him and he wasn't leaving without it.

Derek caught sight of the old mans gun sitting on his living room wall.

He pictured blowing Davids brains out with it.

He then turned to the old man with a blank; emotionless expression on his face.

"Give me the gun..." He whispered darkly.

The old man looked at Derek, with a confused look on his face pretending as if he had misunderstood him for a second.

But Derek knew he heard him, he was just playing dumb.

Only when Derek attempted to push past the old man, did he drop the act.

"Please don't do anything foolish!" The old man pleaded with Derek, but it fell on deaf ears, he was in a daze, as if he couldn't hear him, his attention only focused on what was in front of him;he had his eyes on the prize.

He wasn't leaving without that gun and he wasn't taking no for an answer; it was either his way or the highway tonight.

"Give me the gun!" He said with a soft raspy threatening tone in his voice.

The man and his wife stood there terrified of Derek as if he were a mad man.

" I said give me the fucking gun and nobody gets hurt!"

He had no intentions of hurting these people but he realised the only way he could get his message across was to purposefully instil fear in them, even though he despised every minute of it.

He stood there, watching the old man, begin to tremble, reaching for his rifle, from what Derek could see, it had never been touched before, it was very much covered in thick layers of dust.

The old man turned around and handed the gun to Derek.

"Where are the bullets?"Derek asked noticing there were no cartridges in the rifle.

" They are in my room, I'd have to go and make sure though." The man answered him hesitantly.

He was just about to turn around and retreat to his bedroom but for some unusual reason, he decided to go back and rest his hands on Derek's shoulders.

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