search of copper

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Classes resumed the next day as usual, you're overjoyed by last night's events, you admired all the gifts you received along with Mammon's sudden change in mind about you. Before bed you're brushing your teeth still unable to taste the minty flavor of the paste nor the mouthwash that you thoroughly use. Gum has been your best friend since this taste has refused to leave your mouth. You've been stressed about how your breath smells since you can't even taste to see if something you ate or drank left a lingering smell. You don't mind the taste in your mouth that much anymore; you think it's related to your feelings for Mammon. You can always smell that faint berry scent even if he's not around now. Might as well ask him since you two are together, so no shame in asking.

Climbing into bed, you plug in your phone to charge as you text Mammon to see if he's done with Majolish yet.

Mammon: "I have about another hour left before we're done here, why? Need somethin'"

You: "Come to my room after?"

Mammon: "Yes! Of course!"

You try your best to stay awake until Mammon got home about an hour and a half later but once he walked into your room you were fast asleep. He slides off his shoes gently before taking off his shirt and pants to climb into bed with you. He can hear your snores as you're off in whatever dream land your mind decided to take you tonight. He lays on his back for a while on his phone before setting it down on the floor next to the bed. He turns on his side facing away from you before realizes that he can actually cuddle you if he wanted to. He looks back at you, you're faced away from him, the covers half off in a deep sleep. He decides to leave you alone, you look too comfortable to him to interfere besides, he'd rather you be awake if he made a move on you like that. What if you weren't comfortable yet with all the touching and kissing? He doesn't want to push your boundaries is all... he turns on his side once more before falling asleep himself.

You wake up to a nice surprise the next morning to Mammon lying next to you, your feet touching, his hand on your stretched-out arm towards him. You scoot closer to him wanting to feel more of him. He cracks his eyes open, he squints his eyes and furrows his brows for a second, adjusting to his surroundings. He then, looks down at you, he smiles.

"Good morning." he pulls you to him in a hug. You wrap your free arm around him while your other is pinned against you.

"Morning." you say back, breathing in his faint berry cologne on his skin. Your morning routine for school starts as usual and Mammon joins you.

"Was there a reason you invited me over last night or did you just want to hang out?" he asks you through a mouth full of toothpaste and spit. You could barely make out what he was saying but as soon as you got it, it jogged your memory about the taste in your mouth and the meaning.

"Oh yeah, I wanted to ask you something about this attraction smell thing." you nod, brushing your hair out.

"I don't know why you smell fruity scents off me, that's your brain." he spits and washes his mouth out.

"No, not that!" you laugh a little, "the taste!"

"Taste?" he asks, looking over at you instead of through the mirror.

"Yeah, I've had this sweet taste of fruit in my mouth for a while now and I was wondering if it's related to me liking you so much." you set your brush down to face him as well.

"I don't know about any taste, I mean, I could see if there is something like that, that could happen but I'm pretty sure it's only smell." you both walk out of the bathroom and back into your room, "you sure you're brushing your teeth well?"

"Yes!!" you say with a light hearted scoff and chuckle, "so, taste isn't a thing?"

"Not that I know of." He admits, looking concerned but, that's how far the conversation went that morning before you two both hurried off to breakfast and then to your classes. That evening after school, Mammon is tagging along by Lucifer a lot more than usual. You noticed this but didn't say anything, you tended to stay away from poking around Lucifer when it wasn't necessary. After dinner that evening Mammon followed Lucifer around long enough until Lucifer gave in and asked him what he wanted.

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