pungent berry

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You find yourself at the cafe again, sitting in the very back corner this time, your favorite spot was taken. You blankly stare at your laptop screen, a page about demonic significance in recent human wars covers the screen. You're rolling your pencil in between your fingers as you listen to the soft music playing in your headphones. You were reading about World War One and the increase of deals made with the demon world when, your mind began to trail off.

You can't wait to smell all the kettle corn and cotton candy in the air. Listening to some artists play live sounds pretty fun too but, you can't get your mind off of this firework display that everyone brags about. You can't help but to wonder who's in charge of this festival. Certainly, isn't the brothers responsibility; they seem too care free about it and you would've one hundred percent heard them talking about it a lot sooner if they were in charge in some sort of way. Wow, that really would be a disaster if they did run it though.

You laugh a little at the thought. Lucifer and Satan would take It seriously as they could but Satan would drive Lucifer crazy! Asmo would be so caught up in himself and what he would wear each day as a host would end up being a job within itself. Beel would be eating the stock piled food for the festival rather than helping cook or sell any. Leviathan wouldn't dare think about doing such a heavy person orientated thing, he barely goes to school! Mammon would charge everyone outrageous amounts and rob them of any penny they might have on them or rob them in general! You shake your head at the thought of the pure chaos that would've ensued. That's probably why they aren't in charge at all.

Mammon...he can't leave your mind, can he? He's always poking around in there isn't he? Why can't you just let him go? Stop liking him! Stop wishing you could go back to that time in his room! There's no getting it back! You won't feel his hands on your cheeks or his arms wrapped around you. You won't know what it's like to be with him. He's made it clear that he wants your relationship platonic. Yet, his energetic attitude and positive mind set tends to draw you in. Sitting next to him in class doesn't make things easier either, you can still smell that sweet berry scent, it's faint like a lotion that hits your nose every so often. You could almost smell it from memory. You pick up your coffee and take a long sip. The toffee nut flavored drink suddenly tastes really sweet. You look at it confused.


You take another drink...there's no denying it, it's sweet, sweet like...fruit.

oh no

You pack up your things and rush off without your coffee, hoping it was just a slip up at the barista's part or something you might have added by accident. You rush back into the house and make way to your room. You stop by the kitchen which, is the door before yours. You peek your head in to see that it's empty before sliding in and going to the fridge. You're not sure why you came in here or what drew you in to grabbing a piece of heavily salted jerky on top of the fridge, that Levi likes to eat, just to rip a piece off in your mouth that tastes like unbearably sweet fruit. You spit it out in the trash in shock.

"What?" You gasp, grabbing a bottle of water, opening it up and drinking it. Nothing just.... the after taste! You check the bottle over and over, the package you got it out from. Just plain water, there's not added berry flavoring. It's just... what is this? Why can't you get this berry flavor out of your mouth? Why is this happening now? You take off into your room. Is this what you think it is? There's only one way to find out, find Mammon, you'll smell that berry scent and maybe you can connect it to the flavor that's lingering in your mouth, it could just be a attraction side effect thing that he talked about when you admitted to smelling that scent on him.

You change out of your school clothes and walk to Mammon's room. You can just say you're bored and want to hang out or...or... you don't know what to talk about with him anymore.

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