four tiktokers fight for your love

Start from the beginning

"No she just moved to California I bet she rather go see the beaches than go to peach pit." Caleb said.

"What? girls love food I bet she rather go catch a bite than some waves." Jake retorted.

"Hi guys." You came up from behind them. "Sorry to interrupt but have you seen Addison I wanted to ask her for a ride home" You explained.

"Well I haven't seen her but I can give you a ride." Jake said.

"What no Jake you don't want to be late for work I can give her a ride." Troy said.

"Well Y/N I can give you a ride." Payton offered.

You began to chuckle nervously. "I-"

"Its ok Y/N my shift doesn't start till an hour." Jake looked at Troy.

"I think Y/N would rather get a ride from me in my Corvette than some family wagon." Troy grinned.

"Or she could get a ride in my Porsche." Caleb smiled.

"Well actually I dont have a car." Payton sighed. "But if I did I would give you a ride home or anywhere." Payton smiled.

 "Thanks for the offers guys but my ride is here." You say running to the bus stop.

"Nice going guys you scared her away." Troy exclaimed.

"We?" Jake sigh.

"That was all you guys." Caleb said.

"Hey where is Payton." Troy said.

"Hey Y/N wait up!" Payton yelled as he got on the bus with you.

They turned to see Payton who was looking at them from the bus window with a smirk as he was sitting next to you.

The next day the boys were mad at Payton for the stunt he pulled.

"You guys can't get mad at me for taking the bus" Payton says.

Charli comes up to them "Hey did you guys know Y/n told me She has a crush on one of you."

The boys eyes lit up. "Did She say who?" Caleb asked getting excited .

"Nope" Charli says walking away.

"She totally likes me" Jake says.

"No she likes me so you guys can just back off." Troy says .

"She's mines" Caleb shouts.

"No the handsome one always get the girl like the song said" Troy says.

"Oh shut up Troy she obviously likes me" Caleb shouts.

"She likes carrots so she likes me" Payton said.

"oh come on guys I'm more mature then you guys so she wants me." "Back off Jake" Caleb shouts.

"You don't have to be rude because she obviously mines" Troy shouts. "ok ok lets just see who is the best with a competition."

"No she's mines and that's all" Payton shouted. "No she's not she's mines" Jake said. They all look at each other and start yelling again "lets just ask (y/n)" Payton says.

   "(Y/N), we have a problem!" Troy shouted from the library of the bunker. I ran towards the room scared of what could be happening. I finally reached the room, a little out of breath, to see Payton, Jake, Troy, and Caleb glaring at eachother. Confusion plastered on my face.

"What's going on?" I asked the boys standing in front of me. They each looked at eachother, before Troy stepped forward.

"(Y/N), we each have something in common. Payton, Caleb, Jake, and I have shared feelings towards you." Troy spoke. I stood there in shock and confused at what he was saying.

"Troy, you don't have to be so weird about." Caleb sneered towards Troy. "What Troy is saying is that, we all like you. Really like you." I stood there with my mouth gaped open. Could these boys really have feelings toward me.

"We don't want to attack you, but we need to know who you have feelings for, if you even do." Jake motioned towards himself and the two boys on his sides. "We can't keep arguing about it."

I took a deep breath and nodded at the boys. "Okay...since I've met you boys there has been one thats caught my eye. I am in love with..."

"Payton!" I smiled towards him as he ran towards me. "I knew it" Payton cheered, hugging me. I heard Caleb, Troy, and Jake scoff before leaving the library, and leaving Payton and I alone. I looked into Payton's eyes and felt his lips press against mine. I smiled into the kiss before pulling away and smiling back at him.

I was going to choose Jake because two people told me to do him but then I realized I have a lot of Jake stories so I chose Payton lmao

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