four tiktokers fight for your love

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Requested by Melissastory1234.
Also I want to thank yoda-spears for giving me this idea

 So in this image they all go to the same school and yes I named it dog cat because that's all I could think of okkkk.

You were new at Dog Cat High but thankfully Addison Rae had taken you under her wing and showed you the ropes. "I can't wait for you to meet my friends." Addison walked you to the quad. "There they are." Addison exclaimed and walked towards them while you followed.

"Guys this is Y/N. Y/N these are my friends." Addison introduced you.

"Hi I'm Charli ."

"And I'm Dixie." They introduced themselves.

You turned to looked at a group of guys. For a Los Angeles minute they didn't say anything but all stared at you.

Addison smacked some sense into one of them because he got out of his trance and introduced himself. "I'm Troy Zarbruh nice to meet you." He smiled.

"I'm Jake Fuller." He took out his hand and you shook it.

"Caleb." He smiled at you.

"And I'm Pay......" "Payton." Addison said finishing his sentence since he was struggling to.

You pulled Addison to the side. "I have a feeling they don't like me." You muttered.

"What of course they like you." Addison scoff.

"Well look at them two give me the most horrible glances and the other two won't even look me in the eye." You exclaimed. "Did I do something wrong?" You asked.

"No you didn't they are just weird like that don't look to deep into it." Addison assured you.

The bell rung and you walked to class meanwhile Addison walked up to the four guys. "Guys what the hell is wrong with you guys why were you acting so weird." Addison yelled they all looked at her. "Look whatever I don't care I just want you to be more nice to her after school take her somewhere show her around she is new here. Make her feel comfortable." Addison ordered and walked away.

Troy began. "She is so.."

"Hot" Payton finished. "The new girl." Payton continue.

"Come on guys we were all thinking it." Troy said.

"Well." Jake started

"Your not wrong." Caleb said.

"I call dibs." Payton said.

"You cant call dibs on a girl like she is an item. Jake states.

"Yeah come on Payton if we want to win her over we do it like men." Troy smirked.

"Oh and you know how to be a man." Caleb joked around. Troy punched Tayler playfully.

After the last period of the day Troy, Jake, Payton, and Caleb all walked together to the parking lot.

"Look I'll take her to see the beach today." Caleb blurted

"No I wanted to take her to the peach pit." Jake said.

"No you guys can't do that I wanted to show her my music." Payton said.

"Music that's not music." Troy scoffed "and besides we know she rather spend time with me." Troy grinned.

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