Empire Day Birthday

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🎆Happy 4th of July/Independence Day🎆 I wanted to do an Ezra birthday part for so long. Since Empire Day celebrates the Empire and Independence Day celebrates America... You know where I'm going with this. Anyway, enjoy!

"There's an Empire Day parade on Lothal every year. Ever since our attack on it a couple of years ago, there's more security than ever. We'll have to move quickly if we don't want to get caught." Hera said.

"Sounds like a plan." Sabine said.

"Once we get there, I'll round up the Loth-wolves to help and meet you guys at the parade." I said.

Everyone nodded and boarded the ship, except for Ezra. The teen was leaning against the side of the open ramp, arms crossed, face grim.

I can't imagine how Ezra must feel right now. Being born on Empire Day...

Putting on a warm smile, I walked up to the kid and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Happy Birthday, Ezra." I said.

The kid just nodded with a smug look on his face. I let out a sigh and gave Ezra's shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

"Will ruining the Empire Day parade make you feel better?" I asked.

I saw Ezra's eyes shift towards me. He breathed out a heavy and nodded.

"A little... I guess." he mumbled

A small smile formed on my face. I placed a hand on Ezra's back and led him onboard the Ghost. Once the ramp closed, the Ghost left the surface and flew into space. Ezra was resting his head on the Dejarik table when suddenly, my comlink started beeping. I stepped away from Ezra and answered the call.

"Read you loud and clear, Hera," I said.

"Zelara, can you come in the cockpit for a moment?" Hera asked.

"On my way."

Putting away my comlink, I made my way to the cockpit. Opening the doors, Hera and the others were waiting.

"Was Ezra following you?" Kanan asked.

"Nope. He's resting in the common room." I said, closing the doors behind me.

I leaned on the back of Sabine's seat and listened to Hera.

"Chopper, go make sure Ezra stays away from the cockpit." Hera said.

Chopper saluted with a warble before rolling out the cockpit.

"So, did we decide where we're going to have Ezra's party?" Sabine asked.

"The Loth-wolf den. I called in a couple of friends to decorate the place while we're busy having fun at the parade," I said.

"And who are these friends of yours?" Zeb asked.

"You know them. Isen, Diella, Nerezza, and Kayla."

"Good. We're going to need all the help we can get." Hera said.

"Other than ruining the Empire Day parade, Ezra's day is really going to turn around." Kanan said.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Zel, do you know when the others will be at the den?" Hera asked.

"As soon as the wolves and I are gone, I'll give them a call." I said.


When we came out of hyperspace, Lothal became visible. Hera entered the planet's atmosphere and landed the Ghost in the plains.

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