An Old War Victory

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Hey everyone! This suggestion was given to me by my sister, HowlSeeker Thanks so much! "The Last Battle" (Season 3, Episode 6) Enjoy!

When the Ghost jumped out of hyperspace, the snow-white planet of Agamar could be seen. Entering the planet's atmosphere, and old, beat-up transport came into view, and Hera safely landed the Ghost on the outskirts of the planet. Opening the ramp, Kanan, Rex, Zeb, Ezra, Chopper, and I walked out.

"You're sure you don't need help?" Hera asked.

"I'm sure everything will go horribly wrong," Kanan said.

"You can say that again." I said.

"We'll be fine. We got a Clone Wars veteran with us." Ezra said.

"Ready, Captain?"

"Yes, sir. Uh, General... Kanan." Rex stuttered, putting on his helmet.

As we started walking, the Ghost left the ground and flew away.

"There was a battle here during the Clone War. This old transport's the perfect place to find weapons, ammo, maybe even some proton bombs." Rex said.

I looked to my side and saw Ezra pick up an old droid head.

"Hey, was this a Separatist battle droid?" he asked.

"Oh, yeah. Little piece of one anyway. This place used to be crawling with 'em. We called 'em clankers," Rex explained.

"Clankers. I like that. How many of those things do you think you blasted?" Zeb asked.

"I don't know. Thousands. Probably tens of thousands. Never kept count like some of the boys."

I walked up to Ezra and examined the old battle droid.

"I remember my Master telling me how much of a pain these things were." I said.

"They don't look very dangerous." Ezra said, tossing the droid head over his own.

You have no idea...

Rex stopped and turned to Ezra.

"Listen, those droids wiped out a lot of Republic troopers. Many of them... were my friends." Rex said, continuing to walk.

"Rex has been through a lot. Battles leave scars, some you can't see." Kanan said.

Preach to that notion...

Getting rid of the thought, I picked up the pace to keep up with the boys. When we entered the hanger, we stopped behind some crates.

"Hold up. Let me recon first." Rex said.

Rex then sprinted away from us. He then stopped and waved us over.

"The munitions depot is fully loaded. More proton bombs in there than we can carry." Rex said as we got close.


"Good going, Rex." Kanan said, patting Rex's shoulder.

"Way to go, Captain." Ezra said.

After that, we walked into a hallway, with Ezra in front.

"Careful, kid. The droids used to protect their armories with ray shields." Rex asked.

"What's a ray shield?" Ezra asked.

The moment he asked, a barrier quickly surrounded us.

"This is a ray shield." Rex said.

"Look! Aren't those battle droids?" Ezra asked.

I looked over his shoulder, and sure enough, there were functioning battle droids with blasters in their hands.

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