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Don't be too annoying, don't be too annoying...

"Hello?" Lucas says on the phone.

"Lucas, I need your help. We're going to Steven's place now to figure out what's wrong. I'll need your help along the way." I come straight to the point.

"Oh sure, when are we going?"

"Right now. Meet me where we met yesterday, we'll go together from there."

"Ooh, shall I wear my detective glasses and coat?"

"What?" I frown.

"I have a long black coat, very Sherlock-type. Shall I wear that?"

I swear...

"For god's sake, Lucas! Wear whatever you want - just wear something."

I hang up in frustration - this kid is going to be the death of me.

*at the cafe*

"Hey there!" Lucas has a bright smile, in his flowing black coat. Forget Sherlock, he looks like a rip-off version of Snape.

"We don't have time. Stop flaunting your coat and let's go." He laughs when I roll my eyes.

When we reach Steven's house, we find it locked. Obviously.

"Hey Lucas, how long did you say he'd been out of town for?" I observe the lock but Lucas has other plans.

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD AAAAA!" He screams and starts jumping.

"WHAT?" I exasperatedly ask.


"Are you kidding me?" I facepalm. Literally.

"NO I SWEAR, SHE RAN PAST MY LEG OH MY GOD - wait, what if it was a male?"

"Oh dear god..." Why didn't I assign this joke of a teenager to Harper? "Let's just look around his yard, since we can't go inside." I go in the other direction, eager to distance myself from him as soon as possible.

We return to where we parted pretty soon, though. This yard has nothing except a few sunflowers here and there.

"Was your friend a fan of sunflowers?" I ask Lucas.

"What? No. But look what I found..." He bites his nails.

"I swear if it's another rat, I'm going to kick your ass." I sharply reply.

"No, no more rats. I found something else." He leads me to a gathering of bushes at the far corner.

"Blood." Unmistakable, dried blood. Whoever did this were either clumsy or very clever at creating diversions.

"I need to text Harper."


"Thank you for agreeing to this, Ms. Selene Carter."

"Of course, anything for my best friend." Selene nervously smiles. Her face is thin with a hooked nose and close set eyes, and she radiates nervous energy throughout - she's even shaking her leg continuously.

"Tell me about her. Have you noticed any changes in her behaviour recently?" I start making notes about Selene, even her posture seems off. Who sits with their spine so bent you can hardly see their face?

"No, I don't see anything unusual...in fact, she seems sort of happier."

"Happier?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Yeah...like she's finally achieved her dreams or something, you know?"

I purse my lips. This woman is not to be trusted.

A Tale of SunflowersWhere stories live. Discover now