Going home

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                                   Clem povs
Today we are going home I had so much fun in Hawaii and I'm going to miss Mariam
Sq:we're going to miss you Mariam
M:no you're not
C:of course we are you became my best friend when I needed one
M:I can't hold it in I'M MOVING BACK TO L. A
P:wait fr
L:well come on we have to go
On the plane
P:hey lev
P:do you miss russia
L:of course I do
P:well would you ever move back
L:no because this is my home now and I found great friends all because I bumped into this cute girl at school
L:(jokingly)what was her name again
P:omg shut up
They laugh
After the plane landed they went to piper house
E:well I'm bored wanna play hide&seek in the dark
J:lets partner up piper & lev sophie & Jentzen nick & i Hayden & symonne emily & sawyer and Clem & Mariam
L:ok which team is it
J:I know I have this wheel decider on my phone I'll put our ship names well and friendship name on each and it'll decide (spins the wheel)
S: dang it well I guess Jentzen and I are it
N:. Set your timer for one minute
Jophie: ok(they close their eyes)
A minute go by
Jophie : ready or not here we come
S: we got this Babe
J: yea gives her a kiss
They start upstairs
J: wait do you here that
S:yea it sounds like Hayden
Sy: whispering * shut up Hayden
H: sorry
S: c'mon lets go
They find sayden
J: we found you guys
Sy: it's Hayden fault
H: sorry
S: whatever let's go
C: whispering * this is a great spot
M: yea
Jophie and sayden are looking
J: wait I think I found people
S: lets see
Sees Mariam and Clem
C: dang it
M: oh well
They start looking again
C: wait look
J: it's jenna
Everyone we got you guys
Jen: dang
N: it's ok (gives her ok )
Next they find semily
S: found y'all
E: welp whatever
Saw: yea kisses her hand
Sy: that means liper won
Liper pops out of nowhere
Liper: yay!!!
After that they play 2 more rounds
E: I'm hungry
S: me too
Hunt: what!!!!!
P:can we order pizza
P: well that's a yes
L: cool
Girls except piper: pipes can we talk to you
P: sure lev can you order
P:what's up
Jen:we think you should tell lev about your feelings
P:WHAT!!! No
P:what If he doesn't like me back
E:oh trust us he does
Sy:do it
C:yea do it
M:you don't want to wait and it be too late
P:fine later today
Girls except for piper:yay!!!
The boys
J:yell piper about your feelings dude
N:yess it's time
What if she doesn't like me back
Saw:she does trust us
H:do it
L:fine later today
They all gather together And eat pizza

Ohhhh they both are planning to tell each other how they feel.how will that work out'

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