His head falls to my hip bone. His fingers gently roll over the taut skin. Every stroke causes desire to build like a slow growing turbulence.

"What's wrong?" I ask. I sit up and watch as he leaves his lips in one spot, long enough to alert my inner panic.

"Nothing." Elik's heavy breath goes back to washing over my flesh.

I attempt to pick up his face and he keeps his lips firmly planted to my hip. I feel the warm moisture land and my panic blooms.

"Baby. Talk to me. You're scaring me." Elik does not get emotional. That's me. My job is to be irrational, emotional and overly sensitive.

"I'm scared." The moisture collects in my v line. I pull his head up. I stare into his watering orbs. I'm shocked by the worry that is built up behind his gorgeous blue eyes.

I gesture for him to come closer. He crawls up my body and lays his head down on my chest. My fingers weave in and out of his dark hair.

"Why are you scared baby? What is there to be afraid of?" I really can't conjure a reason for his current state. Everything is so perfect in our lives.

"I don't want to lose you." Elik shakes his head into my chest.

My eyelashes batter rapidly, I'm completely baffled.

"Why would you lose me? I'm right here. There is no where I would rather be?" By now my fingers are frantically dancing through his hair. My breathing has become labored, and not due to the activity that just came to a halt.

"Everything is changing. Soon, we're going to have a kid. There won't be anytime for us. This won't happen. We won't be able to just spend time like this." Elik presses his forehead into my chest.

I shouldn't laugh. I try to stifle the chuckle that wants to escape.

"What did you smoke?" I ask with a grin that he can't see.

"I'm serious Dek. I am so scared that we won't be us anymore." Elik sounds so serious. I pick that face up and pull him onto my lips. I wrap both my hands around the column of his throat and kiss him tenderly. I hold his face in place while I let my lips make squelching promises to his heart.

"Do you want to cancel the appointment? We can. I don't want to do this if you're this upset." I speak the words with absolutely no disappointment.

I can't bring something into our lives that would worry my husband. He's my first priority.

"Just promise me you won't forget me." The request is so stupidly absurd. The tremble of his voice tells me that he is truly fearful that I could do such a thing.

"Look at me." I push his face back so that our eyes meet. Hazel on blue, that magnetic combination that warms my soul and completes me.

"A child will only enrich our lives. I would never, and I mean never, push you to the side for anyone or anything. You are my everything. I need you." I kiss his lips softly.

"I want you." The kiss lands on his forehead.

"I love you." I kiss his nose and smile. He is fucking it to me. I could care less about adding to our family or even getting a dog. This man will always be the keeper of my soul.

"I love you Dek. I'm sorry I freaked." Elik brushes his lips against mine. I pull him in passionately. My thumbs draw lines across his cheekbones, wiping away the momentary fear. I lick his lips and ask for the entrance that I seek.

Elik's hands lace around my neck and he presses against me. His rapidly beating heart thunders against my calm one.

I tangle our legs together and flip us over so I can be on top of him. My lips continuously manipulate his. My tongue slides in and out, tasting his sinful mouth.

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