"Hello problem child number 2." An old shaggy man stood at the door frame, leaning ever so slightly with relief. His baggy grey eyes looked even more tired than usual and his stubble had grown out a little bit longer. "Mr...Aizawa?" Bakugo tried to squeeze out, completely in shock of seeing a familiar face. He had spent so long dreaming of the people around him, that it only felt like a distance memory. But right then in that moment, his previous life, before all this hostage business, had become a reality once again. The blond boy was too high on a adrenaline rush, that he didn't realise he was struggling to get out of the bed. "Kid I don't think that's a good ide-" his teacher tried to protest, but it was too late. The blond boy stood, feeling a magnetic force pulling him closer to the middle aged male. Before the shaggy looking teacher could reprimand his student for doing such a reckless thing, he was suddenly engulfed by a small figure clinging onto his jumper and scarf, crying into the clothing items.

Mr Aizawa stood there, feeling disturbed by the situation. Was this the same katsuki bakugo ? Images of the two bodys of his students flashed in front of his very eyes, remembering the bruised and beaten up state of the once sleeping children. Of course he would be traumatised after that experience, he was only a kid after all, a brash son of a bitch if anything. "Shhhh bakugo, you are fine. You little trouble makers gave me a god damn heart attack.." the teacher chuckled nervously, feeling bakugo's weight pulling him down to the floor until his knees collided with the heart tiled surface. He accepted this though, as he had only seen bakugo this vulnerable once, and that was the day midoriya almost died. If this was on the same par as his boyfriend dying, then they were in for some heavy shit.

"This is all fucked up, they fucking tortured us... and- and" bakugo began to stutter, clutching onto the older male with more intensity, digging his spiked hair into the adults chest. "You need time before you explain what happened, life will go on, we have time." The teacher interrupted, the young boy was in such a state, that it was hard to even understand him in the first place. "Shit I can hear.... this is... how ?" Bakugo seemingly kept on rambling under his breath, so much information was being replayed in his mind and the sudden ability to hear again was overloading him. Aizawa was happy to answer any and all questions the blond boy might throw at him, knowing that that is probably what the blond boy wants and needs. "Well, the paramedics noticed that there was old blood dried around your ears, they ran a few tests and noticed severe damage in your eardrums. They gave you these temporary hearing aids until you'll get one that are Patton penned for your condition."

"where is izuku ?"
"He's next door, I tried my best to get you two in the same room, knowing you will definitely throw a hissy fit otherwise, but the best they could do was to have your rooms close. He's having tests done."
"I see..."

The black haired teacher stared down at the usually explosive boy, who was now shakily looking at the floor with disbelief and shock. He was so much more reserved that the bakugo he was used to, but he knew that there has to be some give and take, especially in his situation. Bakugo's eyes suddenly widened and look back up at his teacher, remembering a crucial part of that explanation. "So, he's awake !?" He exclaimed, his new passive manner startling the teacher. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Surprisingly so, the first thing he asked was if you were ok. Seems like nothing has really changed." His words were almost like they were trying to reassure himself that everything was fine, even though he was unintentionally cradling a scared teenager in his arms.

"What about Eri ?" Bakugo continued to question, which was weird behavior for the usually headstrong and agressive blond. Mr Aizawa had gathered that bakugo was the type of guy to figure out the answers himself before asking anyone, he was too prideful for that. "That's the little girl, right? When the police arrived she began to run a fever. She is in quarantine at the moment." Aizawa continued to explain. He was rather curious about the small little girl that his problem children managed to save and he couldn't help but feel protective over her already.

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