Sick and Toyed 2

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Peso was sent straight to the children's ward the moment he arrived. Barnacles watched as his son was wheeled away on a bed, looking like he'd already died. His eyes were closed, and there was a cloth on his forehead. He had rings around his eyes and beak, and he was read in the face, slowly turning pale.

Inkling's tentacle found it's way onto his shoulder again, and tugged him out of his thoughts. The octopus gently led the distraught polar bear to another room where he could rest.

Peso wrapped his flippers around Snow Bear, grateful to have something familiar with him. The movement of the bed was oddly soothing, the same way it was when he was in his stroller, smoothly rolling along, feeling the ground underneath him, smooth or bumpy, passing by.

Now, if only these people would stop talking so loudly...

"How's his fever?"

"It's gone up a couple degrees."

"That's worse for a penguin, right?"

"Get your head out of the clouds!"

"How soon can we have the meds here?"

Peso was brought into a large room, where it was incredibly noisy. There were children all over. Most of them were playing, or watching TV. Peso moaned, and held his head.

"Sorry, sweetie." The main nurse, Celly, apologized. "This is where children who aren't contagious or too sick anymore come to play." She wheeled him into another room, filled with beds. The door shut softly, and the noise became muffled. peso felt a little better.

"This is the children's ward, Peso. You'll have lots of friends here to keep you company." Peso glanced up, before lying back down. His vision was a little blurry.

He was moved into another bed, with his name on it. he heard whimpering. There was a little girl beside him, who looked about as sick as he was. He noticed Nurse Celly giving her a sorrowful glance.

"You'll have to take lots of medicine, Peso." She informed him. "Luckily, your condition isn't contagious. But, you'll be here for a while."

And so it was. Peso stayed in the hospital for about two weeks, taking medicines that didn't seem to help.

One day, he finally felt well enough to eat more, and have a cup of juice. But, the next day, he was sick again.

His headache had let up a little, though. His face looked better. And his throat wasn't always so dry.

"He's made progress." The nurse informed the Octonauts. "But, he seems to be getting worse in some ways. He's got a mass in his stomach." Kwazii nudged Dashi. "What's a mass?"

"I'll tell you later."

"We've also detected some chemicals in his body." The nurse went on. "They seem to be combating his recovery." Barnacles' paws curled into fists.

The past had caught up to them

Koni was still bound and determined to ruin his son's life.

"That was his father." Tweak grumbled, because one of them had to say it, no matter how much it pained to do so. "He pumped drugs into Peso's system for fun."

Nurse Celly's lips curled, but she didn't say anything. "Peso will need to have surgery. It should be a small operation. Just to clear up some of those drugs. Then, the treatment will start working." She sighed, muttering something about 'some kids being luckier than others.'

Barnacles was allowed to see Peso. The little penguin seemed calmer, just knowing he was there, and settled in. Snow Bear was by his side, loyal as ever.

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