
38 3 0

Judge: @Est2010

Get to know your judge: 

@Est2010 is a twenty-something with a love of beaches, books, and how cute pigeons look when they hop up steps. She's been an avid reader for most of her life, but has been dabbling in writing for the past few years. After a lot of encouragement, she's taken the plunge and published her first novel, The Watcher, a paranormal romance that explores love and lust, and all the complicated emotions in between


1) @otaku_rose | The Two Alphas of Rosewood Creek |

2) @SSMarie358 | The Prince of Wolves |

3) @ShreyaSolaris | The Cripple and the King |

4) @Darwin2005 | Refuge |

5) @ogechi26 | Forest Vampires |

How much your judge will read: around 10  chapters 


Book cover (5): Is it interesting? Is it relevant to the story? Is there the basic information of title and author name? Does it fit the genre?

Blurb (5): Is it interesting? Does it give away enough information? Is it fitting for the plot of the book?

Spelling/Grammar (10): Do the grammatical errors pull me out of the story? Do I stumble over the errors? Are there an inordinate amount of spelling or grammar errors? Is there good sentence variation? Does the writing style make sense for this genre? Is the writing clear and effective in carrying the message?

Creativity/Originality (10): Is the story creative? Is it fresh and different? Are there any cliches and how are the cliches handled? Do I feel invested in the world and the plot? Do I have a desire to keep reading?

Literary Devices/writing style (10): Did the author employ proper use of literary devices like metaphors, similes etc, to make the writing rich and flavourful? Does the writing style fit/enhance the genre?

Description (15): Did the author use description to bring the characters and setting alive? Could you visualise everything properly? Is the world-building clear? Is it unique? Is it creative? Does it contradict itself? Is it fitting to the story? Does it affect the characters and their journeys?

Characterization (20): Are the character interesting and unique? Is there some character development? Are the characters fleshed out and seem real? Do they have unique personality traits and flaws?

Plot (25): Is the plot interesting? Is it well-paced? Do I see where the plot is headed? Are there any creative elements such as twists or side stories?

Total: 100 points

Remember to follow your judges. 5 points will be deducted if you fail to do so

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