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Judge: @liann_aixa

Get to know your judge:

What's up, peoples? I'm Liann. I'll be your Mystery/Thriller judge. A workaholic when it comes to all forms of self-expression: fine arts, music, design, dance, and—most importantly—writing! I love people who are willing to put their artistic endeavors out for the world to see, which is why I'm supah excited to be a judge and read your stories.

Currently working on a modern/medieval—yes, both—fantasy, that updates every weekend (or twice a week when I'm particularly creative or particularly buzzed on coffee), called Izoven: Song of Fire.

For now, Liann is a graphic designer until she finds a means to take over the world with her artistic efforts.


1) @LatishaJajoor | Killer Love |

2) @BlameSaiki | Those Who Struggle |

3) @RibbonsAndKnives | Master's Doll |

4) @spinAroundWords | Flawless Façade |

5) @willawindrow | Finding Aster |

How much your judge will read: 7-10 chapters depending on chapter length as the shortest book in this category has 7 chapters 


Cover (5): Is it interesting? Is it relevant to the story? Is there the basic information of title and author name? Does it fit the genre?

Blurb (5): Is it interesting? Does it give away enough information? Is it fitting for the plot of the book?

 Spelling/Grammar(10): Do the grammatical errors pull me out of the story? Do I stumble over the errors? Is there an inordinate amount of spelling or grammar errors? Is the writing clear and effective in carrying the message?

Prose/Narration (10):

• Natural/Flowing Sentence Structure

• Writing Style: Is it entertaining? Does it keep the reader invested? Is the narrative voice effective and helpful for the reader to follow along with the mystery/suspense?

• POV: Is the POV clear (in the case of 3rd Person POV stories).

• Do the dialogues seem natural and do they flow properly?

Characterization (15):

• Good establishment of character traits and personality in opening chapters. Do they introduce their characters and their traits in a unique/creative way?

• Interesting and unique qualities.

• Relatability/realism: Can I (as a reader) relate to these characters and build a connection to them. Do they have flaws?

• Are their character traits consistent throughout the chapters? With the exception of clear developmental changes in accordance with major plot points.

Plot Originality/Creativity (15): Is the story creative? Is it fresh and different? Are there any cliches and how are the cliches handled? Do I feel invested in the world and the plot? Do I have a desire to keep reading?

Setting/World-building (20):

• Appropriate set-up of time & place–No specificity required, just enough for the reader to paint a clear picture.

• Do they have sufficient description of the character's surroundings?

• Does the setting add to the suspense and mystery of the genre?

Pacing (20):

• Strong Hook in the opening chapter. Do I want to read on?

• Emotional/Mood Build-up. Does the narration build up the reader's anticipation? Does it build up suspense? Intrigue? Fear? In accordance to the genre.

• Am I consistently invested in the story? Or are there parts where the attention falters or decreases?

• Is the plot advancing throughout the chapters consistently?

Total= 100 points

Remember to follow your judges. 5 points will be deducted if you fail to do so

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