Chapter 2

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A thunderous roar made the trees shooketh. Shrek was in a rage. Tadashi had forgotten their one week anniversary due to his anterograde amnesia. This was UNACCEPTABLE. They were in LOVE. Shrek was almost as shooketh as the trees.

Tadashi was no where to be seen so shrek sat on a rock with moss the colour of his glowing skin and sulked.


Tadashi woke up in a strange place. He couldn't breathe and everything was wet. Reeeaally wet.

'Good morning!' Sandy popped her head around the corner. 

Suddenly realisation came flooding--hehe get it bc water-- in. This was bikini bottom! And he could breathe here because he was secretly a fish.

'Why am I here?'

'You don't remember?' Sandy looked rather perplexed. Then she bit her lip. 'Well....'

'Oh ma gawsh! It's my one week anniversary with Shrek!' Tadashi jumped out of Sandy's bed.

'Oh!' Sandy exclaimed. Her face fell and she looked like a sad lil bean. 'You just came to get some sand.'

'Bye Sandy.' Tadashi dashed outside and swam to the surface.


Ripples started to form on the surface of Shrek's swamp. He peered closer and saw a figure emerging.

'WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN M--- Tadashi!' 

Tadashi's gorgeous dark locks dripped onto his buff shoulders as he came out of the lake.

'My swampy angel!' he exclaimed and raced to embrace his lover.

'Where were you.' Shrek demanded.

'At Sandy's, don't worry honey I'm fine. Remember I'm a secret fish?'

'Oh yeah!' Shrek cried. 'Well, happy anniversary!'

They held hands intensely.

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