"Anyway, moving on. . .this attack happened after my parents died. When my parents died, there was this suicidal note I received written in my mother's handwriting. It talked about how they wanted to end themselves, but I didn't believe that. I didn't believe that my parents could do this themselves, so the only thing that made sense was that they were murdered. Chloe said she saw a girl walking out of the bakery at the time of my parents death. The girl looked exactly like me. . .it's probably the same girl that threatened Madame Camille to kill Queen Audrey. Okay scratch what I said before, maybe she really does do dirty works herself, because she stepped out of the bakery casually after killing two people, and then took off when she saw Chloe. Which means. . .this girl also has the power to imitate people's handwriting perfectly. I want to say that she threatened Maman to write that note, and although it makes even more sense than the girl having superpowers, most of me believes that Maman didn't write that note at all.

"The note had a hidden message in it. Like, for some reason, my eyes could see a hidden message, and what it said was 'Romain is next.' I realized two things after that. I have the powers to see hidden messages placed in notes, and Romain was literally next, like. . .he was the next to die. I didn't realize the second one right away; it took me a while to figure out, but when I did figure it out, I tried my hardest ti keep Romain safe. But I didn't try hard enough. I thought I had him safe. I told him to call me early in the morning so I'd make sure he was fine. He called me, I heard his voice and everything, but then a minute later after the call ends, I get an announcement that he's dead. Like, it's not possible, because I was just talking to him a minute ago, right? I go to the scene, and see Romain's dead body. I ask the police, and he told me that Romain had actually been dead minutes ago. So, who was the person I had been talking to on the phone? Which brings me to my next conclusion: the murderer, a.k.a the girl, also has the ability to imitate someone's voice perfectly.

"Oh and guess what? There's also a suicidal note which was apparently left by Romain. It was written in his handwriting, and the note talked about how none of the queens, including me, treated him right, which surprises me because I didn't see myself as a bad person. Again, my eyes caught a hidden message on that note, and. . .the message told me that Alya's parents were next. That's how I knew."

I didn't want to look up and see what their faces were all like; I could already hear Alya sniffing and trying to hold back tears but failing miserably as she whimpered. "I tried to keep them safe. I wanted to also focus on the mission I had: find out who the murderer was, so I decided to tell Adrien and Nino. I had two bodyguards, Adrien and Nino to protect you, but that may have not been enough. Obviously this girl. . .she shouldn't have trouble imitating me, because she looks exactly like me, sounds exactly like me, and. . .the only different thing between us is our personalities, but she could literally pretend to be me all day and you'd never notice anything wrong. She's so good at imitating other people. However, I don't think she can transform into other people. She can't transform into me, because this was how she was born to be like. . .looking like me." I explained my mother's text messages to this strange person; another clue that I had a sister but I never knew. "This was the secret they had been keeping from me. It was this!" I nodded specifically at no one and nothing.

"The secret was that I had a twin sister. . .

". . .and now she's gone psycho!"

"Honestly," Chloe stood up, "all this about you having a twin sister and the both of you having powers. . .I believe you. I don't think it's just the two of you though. The fifth day of my mother being queen, she agreed on making turkey for us, even though it wasn't even Thanksgiving. The woman literally picked the turkey out of the oven without wearing damn oven mitts. I asked her if she was okay, because she should have gotten burnt since she's quite sensitive when it comes to pain. . .but she seemed absolutely okay. It really worried me back then. I've also noticed her doing things normal human beings can't do. Like, how she jumped down from the top of the staircase down to the bottom without hurting a bone. The staircase was 20 stairs by the way."

I frowned a little, wanting to know why Queen Audrey would even jump down from the top of the stairs in the first place. Okay, so Queen Audrey also had these powers of her own, but didn't share with anyone. How come it was just me, her and my evil twin sister? I stood up, suddenly feeling tired and light-headed. Placing my hand on my forehead, I started heading towards the door, but before I could even make it, I felt myself falling. . .and my eyes slowly closing.

I tried to keep them opened, but failed. All around me was darkness. For a while, this was how it was; darkness surrounding me. I had my eyes closed, didn't I? That was the reason why it was so dark, right? Well then, why did it feel like my eyes were opened, but I was just placed in a dark room. I lifted up a hand and touched my left eye with my finger, poking it a little. I felt myself twitching and moving away from the finger when I tried to do that, which showed me that I was trying to literally poke my eyeballs. I was awake. My eyes were opened. They just felt closed, that was all. So, where the heck was I?


My heart skipped a beat when I heard my name. It sounded like it was coming from right behind me, and I would never had gotten so afraid if the voice sounded like it belonged to one of my friends. It didn't. The voice sounded exactly like mine. I looked around in front of me, afraid to look back. Suddenly the darkness was beginning to clear off as if it had been some kind of a fog. I was sitting on a floor inside of a house, though it wasn't any house I was quite familiar with. How was it that I went from being in my room to being in this unknown place?

"Marinette!" The voice came again.

Finally, I stood up from the floor and turned around slowly, not knowing exactly what I expected; the girl holding a gun? Her holding a knife? Was she about to kill me? I came face-to-face with her. This time, she wasn't even wearing anything to hide her face. She was wearing normal clothing; a tank-top and yoga tights. She looked like a normal girl; even the black lipstick she had on before was gone. She looked exactly like. . .me. There was absolutely no difference from us, except from our personalities and minds. It was like staring into a mirror, having your reflection talk back to you. It was like having my very own reflection leave me to go kill people.

"What do you want?!"

"The envelope!" She boomed. I flinched a little, but after that, I forced myself to hold my ground. "You still haven't opened the envelope yet. I just thought I should remind you before you forgot. Don't you think the envelope will hold important things inside of it? Important things that could. . .perhaps help you-"

"You're sick, you know that?" I blurted out, glaring at her with such raging anger. I could already feel my hands forming into a fist, and I just wished I could step froward and punch the living day out of her. "How are you even doing this? How is it that you're able to teleport me to a different place just so you could talk to me? Another one of your powers?"

"No, silly. It's because we're connected," the girl replied, a smirk appearing on her face. A smirk I wish I could just slap away. "I didn't teleport you to a different place, sweetheart," she rolled her eyes and started walking around the room, but I didn't move; only my eyes followed her. "It's because we're connected that I'm able to talk to you like this. . .oh, don't tell me you haven't already figured that out. Marinette, I thought you were smart," she let out a small chuckle. "Your body is still lying on your bedroom floor, with your so-called friends looking worried and trying to see what is wrong with you. Your body has passed out, and so has mine someplace else, but that's just it. I'm able to bring your mind over to any location I wish to bring it to. In other words, I'm sort of. . .telepathically talking to you. You're also able to do the same thing, Marinette. You can just stand up, and be like, 'oh, let me go have a talk with her', but instead of coming over to my place, you bring your mind and my mind to a location. This. . ." the girl pointed at her body, "this isn't my body. It's my mind shaped into my body. My real body is somewhere else."

I frowned, feeling even confused than ever.

"Oh, it's okay, Marinette. One day, you'll get it." She then stopped walking and placed a finger on the light-switch. "One day. I can't wait to see you again, Marinette." She switched off the lights, and again, darkness surrounded me. This time, I was actually closing my eyes. I flipped them opened, and looked around.

I was back in my bedroom.

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