Chapter 3: Anger

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- Evening -

Zenitsu was almost home when he suddenly realized that he forgot there's still blood on his hands, the blood from the girl's arm that he stabbed just moments ago

Zenitsu: Ugh.. I forgot to wash this blood off of my hands. I need to hide it or else gramps might see it

Zenitsu opens the door gently, and quietly went inside.

Zenitsu: No one.... whew.. looks like they're busy. Zenitsu whispered to himself

Kaigaku: Oi.


Kaigaku: YOU IDIOT! I LIVE HERE! Kaigaku shouted at Zenitsu

Zenitsu: O-oh, right.. ehehe.. well ummm I'm going to my room for a bit. I'll go down later to eat, bye!

Zenitsu runs as fast as he could upstairs but Kaigaku felt something was off about him but decided to just ignore it cause he doesn't care anyway.

Kaigaku: Tch. Weirdo

- After dinner // Zenitsu's room -

Zenitsu: Haaa.. I'm so tired..


Hmm.. weird. Before..I wasn't able to remember the things I did whenever my other personality shows up.

Does this mean I can control it better now or maybe I'm starting to accept that personality...? Hmmmm... I don't know. Oh well. Ugh my head hurts from thinking too much.

But there's another thing on my mind..

Why did Tanjirou suddenly asked me that question ? Wait... Maybe he.. l-likes me too ?

Zenitsu blushed at the thought of Tanjirou liking him back and them being together.



It was at this moment when Zenitsu's other personality came out again. Whenever something triggers it, Zenitsu's psychotic/crazy/obsessive personality will take over him, this will make him do things like being really obsessed to a person he loves and wanting to hurt people or even kill them without having any second thoughts.

Usually, he won't remember a thing once he's back to normal but now he's starting to remember all the things that his psychotic side did.

Wouldn't it be so much fun if I made you mine already..? Zenitsu smiled and giggled.

Those lips of yours.. I wonder how they would taste like.. Oh gosh, just by thinking of those stuff makes my body excited. Haa... Tanjirou.. I want you so bad.

..Soon okay ?~ Zenitsu reached for his phone to stare at a picture of Tanjirou, a picture that he secretly took during their lunch break

And if anybody gets in my way... I'll kill them without hesitation.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

- Morning // Classroom -

Zenitsu arrived at his classroom earlier than usual. He wanted to be alone and think about some stuff. Well he thought he was alone, but he was surprised to see Tanjirou already inside.

Zenitsu: Tanjirou ?

Tanjirou: Oh! Hey Zenitsu, Good morning!

Tanjirou greets Zenitsu with a bright smile on his face. And of course Zenitsu blushed because of how cute Tanjirou was.

Zenitsu: G-Good morning. You're here early

Tanjirou: Well it feels nice to be early, I get to be alone in here, and I can just do whatever I want. Things like umm.. drawing, singing, even though I'm tone deaf... ahaha.... yeah you know, stuffs like that.

Zenitsu: I see. I get that feeing hehe

Tanjirou: Yep. Aww you're so cute when you smile Zenitsu. You should smile or laugh more!

Zenitsu: Aww thank y-- Wait- HUH ? What are you saying all of a sudden ?! Zenitsu blushed at what Tanjirou just said.

Tanjirou: I'm just telling the truth. You're cute Zenitsu

Zenitsu: S-stop flattering me Tanjirou... Zenitsu looked away trying to hide his face

Tanjirou: Hey... Tanjirou leaned closer to Zenitsu's face

Zenitsu: [Whoa whoa. Why is he leaning closer..?!] Zenitsu thought

Tanjirou: Umm... I--

Suddenly, they were interrupted by a group of girls who came inside the classroom. Tanjirou pulls away quickly, Zenitsu was still confused and he doesn't see it but Tanjirou was actually blushing because of what he did.

Girl 1: Tanjirou-kun~ Good morning!

Girl 1 clinged to Tanjirou's arms and being touchy with him.

Girl 2: U-umm.. Don't bother Tanjirou-kun too much. Come on, let's go to our seat...

Girl 1: Huh ? What's wrong with you ? Just yesterday you were so clingy to him and even hugging him

Girl 2: D-Don't say that out loud...

FYI: Girl 2 was the one who got stabbed by Zenitsu from the previous chapter.

Zenitsu heard what the other girl said and got so angry. In his mind, he really wanted to kill the girl right now, but of course he doesn't want Tanjirou to see that other side of him so he tried to calm himself down.

Zenitsu: ...All these girls being all close to Tanjirou.. Tch. I have to do something..


No.. Not yet... I'll wait for the right time to kill all of you. Zenitsu whispered to himself

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

- Afternoon -

The girls decided to hang out in the classroom first before going home, of course talking about boys and girly stuff.

Little did they know, Zenitsu was still in the building slowly approaching the classroom, while holding a knife on his right hand.

Zenitsu slowly opened the classroom door, and The girls were all shocked and confused why would Zenitsu be there...and with a knife on his hand. The girls started to get worried.

Girl 1: W-What are you doing here ? And...why do you have a knife ??

Girl 3: Huh ? Who is he ?

Girl 2: .....Y-You..... No... NO-!

Girl 1: Hey! What's wrong..?!

Zenitsu smiled and giggled.

Zenitsu: Let the fun begin♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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