Chapter 1: Love at first sight

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- Early morning // Agatsuma's house -

Zenitsu was woken up by the sound of Kaigaku's loud voice yelling at him to wake up and get ready to school


Kaigaku yelled at Zenitsu for the 20th time now, while kicking him off of the bed to wake him up for sure this time.

Zenitsu: UWAAHH OWW--! KAIGAKU WHAT THE HELL ?! That huuuurts..

Kaigaku: I've been trying to wake you up for the past thirty minutes now, you lazy piece of crap! YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE

Zenitsu: Huh ? Why would you care in the first place-- Oh! Could it be that you're starting to love and care for me now ? Wow how swee-- UGH-!

Kaigaku threw a pillow directly at Zenitsu's face just before he finished his sentence.

Kaigaku: I'm not doing this for you, idiot. Gramps is just gonna get mad at me. And also.. why the hell aren't you waking up earlier, didn't you say you have good hearing, huh ?!

Kaigaku said while pulling Zenitsu's ears.

Zenitsu: OW OW OW-! MY EARS-- STOP!!!

Kaigaku: Tsk. Whatever.

Zenitsu: ...(SIGH) I transferred in a new school again. I hope they're nice.. I don't want the past to repeat itself again--

NO NO-! I shouldn't think of that anymore! You can do this Zenitsu. New town. New school. New people. And new experiences.. It's gonna be okay! Mhm!


...Aha..haha..Why am I lying to myself ?.. I'm obviously nervous and scared ugh..

Uwaah! A-Anyway! I need to get ready!

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

Zenitsu: Gramps! I'm going now!

Zenitsu says as he stepped out of the door and walked to school, since it's just a 10 minute walk away from his house, which is really convenient.

As Zenitsu arrived at his school, he was greeted by a guy wearing a blue jersey uniform holding some papers and a pen on his hand, he was standing near the gate.

Tomioka: You! With the blonde hair!

Zenitsu: E-Eh ? Me ? Zenitsu asked while pointing at himself

Tomioka: Obviously.

Zenitsu: Oh..Is something wrong ? Uhmm.. s-sensei ? [Is he a teacher here?] Zenitsu thought

Tomioka: Blonde hair is not allowed! I'll only give you a warning for now since it looks like you're a new student here.

Zenitsu: Eh ? But my hair is natural sir--

Tomioka: What's your name ?

Zenitsu: Umm.. it's Agatsuma Zenitsu. Also my blonde hair is natural so-

Tomioka: Dye your hair black as soon as possible, you got that ? Alright, you may go.

Zenitsu: Are you even listening to what I'm saying...?

Zenitsu suddenly felt something rush on his side, he looked who it was and saw a red haired student, looks like he was in a rush, but he was suddenly stopped by Tomioka-sensei.

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