Wrapping up

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Certain members of the group exclaimed in surprise, while others gasped, stunned.

"Ugh. That dogging bastard," Viv muttered, her head in her hands.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have just blurted it out like that," Amy apologized regretfully.

"It's okay. I guess you guys would've found out either way. Saves me a lot of trouble explaining."

"Don't worry. If I had to spend time in heaven with a hot composer wearing jeans, I would've dated him too." Nate grinned, trying to lighten the mood.

"How did Amy know, though?" Chris asked.

"I'm a seer. And it's goddamn annoying sometimes," Amy said. 

"It's a useful skill, though," Viv added.

"Yeah. It's pretty cool," Chris agreed with excitement. "Can you see the future, too?"



"It's not as cool as you portray it..."

"Guys! Viv clapped rhythmically, trying to move on. "Truth or dare. Who's next?"

"Bread," Regina reported, and the game continued. Chris was dared to duel with Aj, Viv was asked about the composers, and Amy asked Net about Manu and Manu about Net.

After Aj dared Nate to flirt with a waiter and he argued with one instead (noting how professional and polite the waiter was), Nate declared Amy to be next.

"Really? You skipped Alma!" Regina reminded him.

"Alma?" Nate asked. "She's not here-" Then he spotted a girl dressed in silk, eating quietly and curtly in the corner. "Alma?!"

"Greetings, sir. I apologize for not alerting you to my presence." The girl laughed lightly.

"When did you get here?"

"Ten minutes ago. I evaded your detection with invisibility."

"Whoa! That's so cool!"

"She can be invisible, hover, sense stuff that's far from reality, raise the dead... I'm sure you get the pattern."

"Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children?"

"Yes. Hence my positive opinion of the work. Although most of my positive opinion still stems from the details."

"Let's continue playing, shall we?" Regina suggested, and the game continued with Alma daring Regina to post another air picture.

Amy had gone to get food and they skipped her turn so she could go when she returned. A couple of painful dares and interesting truths later, the group started to simply talk, having little groups of conversations.

Nate and Viv discussed classical composers, with Nate eager to know what had happened after he left heaven and went back to Earth, while Amy, Net, and Manu chatted about life, composing, and Liszt and Chopin. Regina caught a conversation about writing with Krithika that Amy and Nate eventually joined. Aj chatted with Bread, pleased to have finally met her, while Chris eagerly awaited to challenge Aj to a race, as well as another duel, while talking with Busan. Saga, the main and most important healer in her kingdom, eagerly interrogated 221 on her medical practices, as 221 worked in the human realm and occasionally and secretly used her own healer powers to save many lives. Oopsie laughed with Veda about the members and jokes of LLU as well as scattered topics.

After the writing quartet finished questioning each other, Chris beat Aj in racing but not fencing, Amy gleefully teased and shipped Manu and Net, and Nate challenged Buan to a race, the group downed some soda and juice and said cheers.

"To the brilliant future of LingLingsUnite!" Amy screamed, clearly drunk on the magical drinks of the Musik realm that underage teens were allowed to drink, the reason being that the effect wore off when exiting a certain zone, in this case, the restaurant. Everyone raised their glasses, cans, or bottles in the air.

"To dissing Ben Lee and worshipping LingLing!" Nate added.

After a couple more words, the group reluctantly said their goodbyes. Kri, Veda, Oopsie, 221, Saga, Busan, Alma, and Chris, unfortunately, had to return to their homes, but the rest would stay for a couple more days.

As the group left, the trio stayed behind as per Amy's request. "Vivi." Amy looked at the young necromancer solemnly. "I had a vision about you."

"Yes...?" Viv asked, nervousness seeping into her velvet voice.

Amy took a deep breath. "Your sister is going to die at precisely six thirteen today."

Viv collapsed.

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