fourteen // 14 - end

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ag-butera pov

"Someone almost burned my house down!" I said crossing my arms. "Well you kept on pushing me off the bed" He said shrugging. I did his shrugging in a funny way. "Fuck you" I said putting my middle finger in his face.

He nodded. I mummbled a 'bitch'.

two hours later

We were cuddling and watching 'Divergent'. I wasnt going near my house ever again. "So who burned the house down" He said looking at me while holding my hands.

"Well long story short, This blind girl was supposed to burn his ex's house down but she couldnt see so she instead burned my house down" I said looking at the tv screen because this movie is so good.

"Oh" He said taking a bite from his popcorn. "Would you do that, if I broke up with you?" He said looking abit sad? "No, Why?" I asked him.

"Well you are quite a physco" He said bitting his teeth. "WHAT DAFUK DID U JUST SAY?!!" I shouted taking the pillow beside me.

"PILLOW FIGHT" The Boys shouted out of nowhere. We looked at him confusingly and shrugged. We started the pillow fight.

I hit Micheal and Calum twice in the back and then they fell. "2 DOWN 2 TO GO!" I said in a victory voice.

I was chasing Luke and Ashton around the house. I hit Ashton five times in the back and he finally from a very long pillow hit he fell down. Now me and Luke were looking at each other.

Luke chases me all around the hallways. When we found a white rusty door behind me I looked at Luke, he wasnt there. I shrugged and opened the door. I saw pictures of Kelly, My best friend.

I looked through the room and saw the reason why my heart is shattered in pieces.

Kelly and Luke kissing. "LUKE!" I said screaming and crying at the same time. I could feel my makeup all mudgy.

"Wh-" Once he saw the room he looked at me. "Ariana" He said looking down. "What is this?!" I said.

"See, Me and Kelly were dating when she broke up with me I thought dating you was a great idea to bring her back, but when I realise that she wasnt ur best friend anymore I kind of cheated on you" He said looking down.

"UGH" I said frustrated. I walked out of the door. "Ariana!" He said chasing me but I could hear his voice fading whenever I go further and further.

When I stopped in the middle of nowhere I saw an elementary school and a sign that says 'NEW TEACHERS HERE'. I was smart enough to be one. Im not that smart but cmon its elementary school.

I went inside and saw pretty teachers in bright colours. "Hello" The face was pretty.

"I want to audition" I said. "Youre in" She said. I smiled and we had a pep talk she told me about how she made this school. It was a sad story.

The other teachers came in and their names were Lana and Lucy and Finally the owner Lisa. We were all getting along together. Once all the children went back home. We were tired and exhausted so we decided to watch some tv.

I didnt have my phone. I sighed and just shook my thoughts because todays the day I will forget him and always will.

They didnt have any other channels. They only had the news. Its fine for me. "Ariana Grande missing or DEAD" The news reporter said.

I told them what happend. "Dont worry we will keep you safe" Lisa said.


hey sorry if this is the end but there will be a 3rd book coming out and that is the last book of the Break your Heart Right Back for short BYHRB series. so the next books title is gonna be 'Best Mistake' because ............... will die and then .........

nvm I will save it up for later. hope u guys enjoyed ur holiday and ill see u guys in the new book hahha. bye and the new book is coming out on thursday maybe today so stay tuned.

bye love u guys.

stay rad ♡

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