eight // 08

360 15 3

ag-butera pov

When Luke came in Kate looked really pale. They werent fighting, They are just screaming at each other. "Whats this noise" An Secuirity came holding a taser. Luke and Dave quickly sit down.

"Theres a surgery going on there in the other room" I saw guilt in their faces. "Were sorry" Luke and Dave said in sync. "Bye, Hope you feel better ma'am" He said biting a piece of his donut.

He closed the door gently. "Its all your fault" I heard Dave mummbled. Luke didnt get involved. I looked at Kate again, Her face looked like she was about to faint.

When I wanted to talk to them. "Kate" Luke spoked. He was nervous. "Luke?" Kate said. They were both hugging right now. Thats okay for me. I could see Dave smilling and having two thumbs up.

Because they were getting along. Luke and Kate sat beside each other. Weird. "Luke I missed you so much" I said pulling for a hug. "Me to" He said plainly and hugged me. Normally he would hug me and never let go.

I shrugged to Dave and He shrugged back. I saw Luke and Kate talking to each other. Me and Dave were sitting there. Drinking and Eating. "What the fuck" I said angrily not to loudly.

"IM GONNA K-" He said not to loudly. "Look, We will see if they really love us" I said having a good plan.

"How?" He said confused. I rolled my eyes and whispered to his ear. "If they love us they will not ignore us like that if they dont love us they would always be together" I said smiling and having two thumbs up.

"For how long?" He said asking me. "1 week" I said.

He nodded. It was 10pm and they wouldn't stop talking. I have to say im quite jealous. "This isnt working, This is just making me mad" He said.

6 hours later Me and Dave fell in deep sleep.

k-jolie pov /kates pov/

We both looked at Ariana and Dave. They were sleeping peacfully. Im kind of over Dave I like Luke. He said He likes me back. He grabbed me to a dark place. We started having makeouts. /aka ***/

It was the morning and I was about to throw up. I throwed up. Luke said he would be right back. I forgot I had a baby inside my tummy. "Shit, Dave is gonna kill m-"

ag-butera pov

We couldnt find Luke and Kate anywhere. We went to this Private Place for VIP. Me and Dave opened the door. What we see was shocking.

"Luke? Kate?" A tear slipped down in my face as I saw Kate naked and Luke naked and holding two bottles of wine. I walked infront of him. Poured the wine in his hair. "I told you to love me harder" A tear slipped down. "Aria" I kicked him in the balls.

Put my middle finger in his face. I look at Dave, His face was the saddest. "C'mon Dave" I said. "Dave what about the baby" Kate said in a bitchy tone. "Give the baby to me when u give birth" He said plainly. I take a look at them the last time.

Lukes face was pure sad. Whatever.


hey hoped u like this awful chapter. I wanted to tell u guys that ily x

°•°•°quote of the day°•°•°

too glam to give a damn


stay rad ♡

-adelia // aka adeliaispunkrock //

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