chapter 14~ one hell of a day

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"i can explain please let me explain"
"dina we talked about this-"
"no we didn't syd. you got frustrated and walked away"
"ok fine dina you want the truth? i'm going crazy. i cant do this shit anymore. i broke down. is that what you wanted to hear? i'm some freak."
"no oh god ebs i'm sorry i didn't realize it was like that"
"no dina. you're not sorry. just leave me alone"
i know technically that probably made the argument worse but i wouldn't let her know that it was really syd and not me. syd had a huge crush on dina and i couldn't let this ruin her chances.
and you may be thinking 'oh ebony how could this day get any worse?'
well i'll tell you how. brad.
i was simply standing in the hallway while syd was getting my books from the office for me (what a nice sister) when brad approached me. i assumed it would be all kind and 'hey thank you for exposing my secret cheating to dina'...... sarcasm.
next thing i knew he had grabbed me by my shirt and slammed me against the wall.
i started shaking and i couldn't think straight. after all the things he's done to me how could he even be angry at me.
"you better watch yourself novak. we don't want another incident do we?"
and with that he was gone. i fell to the ground and started crying.
and so the rest of the day was pretty boring up until lunch. syd was pissed off because of the dina thing and honestly so was i.
"morning fuckers."
i slammed my lunch tray down onto the table and sat next to stan.
"it's noon. and you seem angry"
"i'm fine"
"dinas angry at us"
"i don't wanna talk about it syd"
syd gave me an apologetic look and continued eating her lunch. i can admit that i'm over dramatic sometimes. one little thing can ruin my whole day. and maybe i have no right to be upset over this because i did lie. but i just feel like my world is crashing down on me.
"hey eby are you sure you're ok?"
"i'm fine stan."
"so are you guys going to homecoming?"
"stan i'm going with you"
"i know i just-"
"are you guys ok?"
"no stan"
stan opened his mouth to speak again but i left before anything was said.
i stormed through the room to the door. as i walked out i felt all eyes on me. before leaving, i spun around and held out my middle finger towards my classmates.
"fuck off"
i was about halfway down the hallway when i heard stans voice.
"ebs i'm sorry i didn't mean to make you angry. i shouldn't of pushed you to admit anything"
my feet stopped moving and i turned back towards the curly haired boy. 
"it's fine i just-"
but i couldn't finish my sentence because i broke down in tears. stan ran over to where i stood and wrapped his arms around my waist. i leaned my head into his chest and let my emotions flood out.
"i cant do this anymore. i cant just pretend i'm doing fine. my whole life is fucked up. i have this weird ability that only seems to hurt people. brads back at it with torturing me. and dinas pissed off. you and syd are the only two good things in my life. i cant do it."
"ebony novak. you are so much stronger than this. you're going through hell and back and i will always be here for you. you couldn't get rid of me if you wanted to. i love you"
"i love you too"
stan pulled me in and hugged my tight. i feel at home with him. even though i've only been close with him for a little while i don't think i would've been able to do some of this without him. especially brad.

after the lunch fiasco me and syd talked to the counselor. i finally opened up and told her about the person i could of sworn i had seen the other day and syd told her she had the same experience. she told us we might be paranoid after our fathers death and think we are seeing him. but i'm sure that isn't it

by the end of the day, i had gotten over the dina thing a little. stan told me and syd he would give us a ride home. right now we're in his car and i'm writing in my journal. i don't think i talk about this enough.
you are my journal. i mean, no ones ever gonna read these but ya know. that's why i write some of these things so weird sometimes.
anyways journal, i'm in stans car and he singing to bloodwitch and i'm so in love. he's adorable.
gotta go, we're home.

when we got home liam was in the kitchen eating a snack. i decided to say hi to him like i always do. but i noticed a black eye on his face.
"what happened goob?"
"i got punched. in the face. and it's all syds fault. if she hadn't been such a freak about it."
"be nice goob. syds been having a hard time lately-"
"you're no better ebs. it's like everything you do is ruining something"
liams words rang through my ears as i ran up to my room. i could hear liam slam his bedroom door shut. syd must've followed me upstairs because the next thing i knew she was standing next to me.
"are you ok?"
"do i look ok syd? this shit is killing me. how are you ok?"
"i'm not ebs."
we both sat down on my bed as i pulled out a photo album i had inside my drawer.
"ya know dad left us this photo album for our 10 birthday and we never really looked at it."
"we took that for granted syd."
i opened the photo album as we scanned through the pages. the memories from our childhood ran through our minds as we laughed, cried, and smiled. i was just happy to be around syd.
"i'm sorry. i've been such an asshole lately. i mean i know that you've been dealing with stuff too i just didn't realize it was so bad because you had stan and well... i don't have someone like that."
"i'm sorry too. i didn't realize i was spending so much time with stan and not you."
"i love you."
"i love you too idiot."
that was one hell of a day

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