Chapter Three: The Mysterious Star

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Avery casually trudged along shivering through the woods of Snowdin. They came up upon the bridge and stopped to look down the hole. It was filled with ice and seemed deeper then what they would have liked.

"I wonder why this is here.." They walked back a few paces and shivered again.

"Well I could tell ya, kid." Sans appeared behind Avery, making Avery jump.

"I thought Flowey said that most monsters went onto the surface?! Who are you?!" Avery grabbed a stick from the ground and pointed it at Sans.

"Woah, calm down there kid, I won't hurt ya." Sans put his hand up and a look of shock appeared on his face.

"Then who are you?" Avery insisted.

"Sans, sans the skeleton. You must be chilled to the bone in that sweater. Come on, I'll ket-you-up, up ahead."

Avery stared at him with a look of disappointment and confusion as Sans pulled out a ketchup bottle from his jacket and drank some. Sans teleported to the other side of the gorge and waved. Avery turned around and was shocked that he was there. But they weren't really surprised, it was monsters and they used magic.

Avery crossed the bridge and held onto the stick tightly as Sans walked along with them. They walked and talked for a few minutes until they approached this really bright yellow light. Sans decided to go to his sentry station nearby, but far enough away for them to not see each other, being blocked by trees. Avery had to cover their eyes to block the light. Flowey appeared near the bright star looking thing

"Howdy, Avery!" Flowey seemed to be happier than usual.

"Hey Flowey. Was this the star thing you were talking about?" Avery seemed slightly irritated.

"Mhm! Just put your hand inside of the star!" Flowey smiled slightly off, but was smiling nonetheless.

"Alright then.. I guess." Avery extended their hand into the star and closed their eyes.

The star felt very calming to touch, and Avery opened one eye and looked around. The world around them was engulfed in darkness. The only things that were there was the star, a weird holographic panel, and Flowey. The darkness felt so calming yet so alarming all at once. They read what the box said and it calmed Avery down a lot.

"You landed into a very new and scary place, but you have friends that can help you through the way, and you can get to a better life. You are filled with Determination."

Flowey got slightly closer as these four orange ish buttons that were glowing faded in from the dark abyss. "Save, Load, Continue, Reset."

"So, what are you going to do?" Flowey asked eagerly.

"Well, I wasn't told that this really cool and calming void was going to appear around me as I basically used magic to come here." Avery looked at all four options and back at Flowey.

"Well I think you should reset this world-"

"Why should I? Isn't this what the monsters wanted?" Avery looked puzzled as Flowey's facial expression went from nice to angry and scary.

"If you don't reset, then this world will start to crumble at it's seems and it will just decay-"

"Flowey, what's gotten into you?"

"AVERY LISTEN TO ME!" Flowey's face extended off of the flower and into Avery's face, then went back to the flower and back to it's normal face, "If you just continue, nothing good will happen to anyone here. Please, Avery. Wouldn't you listen to your best friend?" Flowey got closer and stared at Avery.

"Flowey... I can't do that.. What if it resets until before the monsters were set free?" Avery seemed very cautious.

"Who cares!" Flowey yelled.

Just as Flowey tried to continue yelling, a blast of light came from the star and someone new appeared in the dark abyss. They walked around the buttons and stood in front of Flowey. Flowey shrunk back slightly and started to get slightly scared. They were wearing a green sweater with a yellow stripe, and their brown ashburn hair fell to their shoulders. The bangs on their face covering up their eyes, but they seemed to be slightly glowing under them. Their smile was wide and seemed very natural but also unnatural.

"Hello, new partner." This new person spoke.

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