Chapter One: Prologue

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This story starts with Frisk, the seventh fallen human. They discovered the Underground on accident, along with the monsters that were sealed away long ago. When they fell down, they discovered this power that could make or break the world. They used it to kill all the monsters, turning them all to dust. After, they realized that they did wrong and decided to use their power to reset their world. They took the time to befriend every monster, with two people not so happy with Frisk's decision. When Frisk decided to set the monsters free, the two monsters that disliked Frisk were convinced that they weren't going to be killed by Frisk again. With all monsters free, Frisk stood near the cliff and watched the sun set with their new friends and family.

As the sun set a month after Frisk set all monsters free, the last monster was getting their items out of The Underground and moving onto the Surface. Everything Frisk wanted happened, and they were content on keeping the world the same, not using their power ever again.

Two years after the monsters were set free, everything with the legal terms was settled. Asgore, the goat king of the monsters ruled a new town filled with monsters, and they could leave and visit other places, but no monsters would be able to live in the human cities. Frisk hoped to change that as the Monster's ambassador. Everything was okay with the life that Frisk lived at this moment, and Frisk wouldn't have changed anything. But something, someone came along and changed things. Forever.

"Hey, Sans?" Frisk asked, digging into some fries freshly made by Grilby, his restaurant filled with Humans and Monsters enjoying his fantastic cooking.

"Yea, kid?" He asked, wiping a ketchup spot off the table, holding a whole bottle in his hand.

"Something happened the other day." Frisk looked at Sans with a worried expression, trying to make sure he knew they meant business.

"What kind of 'something'? Something good? Something bad?" He looked at them with a similar expression, looking them up and down, trying to read their body language.

"Oh, it's bad, isn't it.." He sighed.

"Someone has more determination than me and took my ability to save, load, and reset."

"Wait What?!?!" He put the ketchup bottle down and looked slightly upset, "Well, can't you still get to your file?"

"Yeah, I can. But it won't let me do anything but continue."

"This is really, really bad. Thanks for the food Grilbz, put it on the tab." Sans snapped and they teleported to this small lab.

The walls were a cream wallpaper that slowly started to peel, the floor was a purple tile, and there was a small table with blueprints and a huge machine covered up in a black tarp. Sans stood there, shifting through some drawers, trying to find something.

"Sans, are we trying to find something to fix this?" Frisk's voice was shaky, and they seemed slightly scared.

"Yes, I am. We need to get you determined again, I can tell something weird is going on." Sans started to frantically go through the drawers.

"Hey, I'll go look in the ruins, Flowey might be lonely anyways-"

"Have fun talking to that weed then, I'll keep looking. I'll be nearby when I find something, I'll call you as well."

"Got it, I'll see you later!" Frisk waked out of the room and walked into Snowdin, back in the Underground, back where everything started. They walked through the place, it was all abandoned. It felt weird to walk through and not get surprised by an Ice cap, or Snowdrake.

Frisk walked by every puzzle and wondered what the puzzle was like back when some of the other souls went through. Were they even there before they went through? They had so many questions, all of which no one could answer.

As Frisk got to the Ruins, they saw that the door was left Open, and the same rock that was used to keep it open for Toriel and her things was still there, and it looked the exact same, very unlike the rest of Snowdin. As Frisk walked through the long hall to Toriel's old home, they heard a few things crumble and fall. They went back and heard a loud crash and rumbling. They screamed and saw that the ruins door was caved in by rocks and the ceiling of the hallway. They tried to shake it off, and continued walking on into the home.

The house was peeling and falling apart without the care of the caretaker, Toriel. There were holes in the ceiling and there was moss growing on the walls. It truly looked like the place was abandoned. Frisk sighed and tried to find a thing to break the rocks. Turning up empty, they left in search for Flowey, the flower.

On their way, they almost got hurt multiple times as puzzles were only half functioning, and very dangerous. After a while of careful calculations, they managed to make it to the first flower patch that they fell on, and started literally everything. Frisk looked around and saw that the light on the surface was slightly dimmer, suggesting that it was evening.

"Hello, Flowey? It's me, Frisk." They sat down on the ground, plucked an almost dead flower, and put it in their hair.

"Yea, I know who you are, idiot." A tiny flower with a face appeared and Frisk smiled.

"Howdy, Flowey!" Frisk giggled.

"Don't use my greeting!" Flowey seemed mad.

"Sorry, I guess I won't." Frisk looked up and stared at the clouds hovering above the hole that was above them.

"You missed me, huh Frisk?" Flowey asked.

"Mhm! It's been a while, you know." Frisk laid down on the flower patch and continued to stare up at the clouds as they moved ever so slightly to the breeze.

"Well I didn't miss you-"

"I know you did at least a little, Asriel." Frisk smiled and looked towards Flowey.

"..... Fine. And don't call me by my old name." Flowey looked away slightly.

"Well, sorry, Flowey." Frisk smiled, and sat up, "Hey have you seen anyone recently?"

"You, and that's it. I did notice something up with the determination in this world, though." Flowey seemed puzzled.

"Yea, I can't save, load, or reset anymore." Frisk bluntly spat out.

"Wait, that's the problem? Someone has more determination than you?"

"Yep." Frisk stood up.

"And what are you going to do about that?" Flowey slightly demanded.

"Try and be more determined. That's all." Frisk started to walk away.

"This has been one hell of a ride, Arrow, but I can't do this anymore. My parents 's are completely done with my shit, and dad doesn't even call me a daughter anymore. The abuse is too much, I am so sorry Arrow..."

"Avery! What are you doing-"

"Shut up! I'm done here. I loved you when I lived, and I will love you when I die. Please understand, I can't live anymore."

"This seems pretty bad, Frisk..." Flowey whispered as they saw a figure at the top of the mountain appear.

"Yea, let's hide. Come on." Frisk Extended their arm as Flowey got out of the ground and latched onto Frisk's arm with his roots. They went into the dark and watched this Avery person.

"Avery no-"

The other deeper voice seemed to be cut off, and the figure who seemed to be Avery got closer to Frisk and Flowey with every second. As Avery hit the flowers, the sound of surprise was heard. They stood up and looked around the flower patch, and feeling their arms and legs for breaking, or any sign of death.

"I guess I'm not dead.. Well I'm away from mom and dad. Maybe I am dead, and this is Hell. I'll just see." They stood up and started to walk around the room.

Frisk got slightly nervous that Avery would find them, but Avery decided to go to the arch to continue on to the ruins. Frisk sighed in relief as they walked over to the flower patch and set Flowey down.

"So, I bet that Avery or whatever is behind all of this. They seemed very determined to die."

"Yea, and we gotta make sure that nothing bad happens, right?" Frisk followed Avery with Flowey through the arch, and a new journey started.

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