Episode 43: His Only Hope

Start from the beginning

"...reality is too predictable and I've come close to being tired of it..."

Jayel took his hands from his face and got up off him. He just stood there unable to answer. Even with his eyes covered Jayel could see his face was emotionless and it seemed like he didn't care at all what happened to him as long as he could keep the princess away.

Jayel started to punch him in fury of annoyance. All he could hear was how Vestin taunted him with each blow that landed onto his face. He then grabbed his head and looked into the blood soaked cloth that covered Vestin's eyes.

"Why won't you just give in? You've already lost..."

Vestin took a shallow breath and released it slowly. He could feel the broken nose and his jaw was sore. There were a few loose teeth and the taste of blood had increased. Vestin was ready to die in order to make sure no one else would have to. He told himself to endure it just a bit longer and it would soon be over.

"No matter what you say I won't do what you ask of me. That's why even if you say I've lost it doesn't matter...because I'd rather die than give the one person I love to you...you won't ever see a hair on her head...I can guarantee it." he said between gasps of air and clenched teeth.

He felt the pressure on his chest lift and heard Jayel walking away from him. The sound of a glass being set on a table and then something being poured into it. A long silence filled the air and it was as if he were left by himself.

Jayel tapped his finger on the glass he held and sighed.

"So you wish for me to kill you...is that what you're telling me? You are purposely irritating me so that I will end your life. I should end my game and send you to the Ancestors? Is that your pathetic plan?"

"Yes...but my death won't be in vain, you see. Because I am the only one who knows where the princess is right now...once I die, you lose."

Jayel walked over to a battered man still too full of pride. For days he'd toyed with the man that laid before him. From burning his flesh with hot irons to having him submerged up to his neck in cold salt water after a brutal lashing. His previous toy only stood two days before submitting, but this one seemed to still have his pride and a false glimmer of hope that he would die a hero.

"You will not die, Vestin. Death is far too much of a kind gesture for you. No, I plan to keep you alive and torture you every chance I get. You really think you are the only one who knows where that little girl is. I already know she is in Ay Su, all I need you to do is tell her you wish for her to join you in Serenity."

"You think she would come running over a letter?" Vestin let out a weak laugh and shook his head slightly, "You seriously don't know anything about the princess...she won't come. Try to use me as bait if you want, but even with me here you will never have her. Your plan has failed..Ssire."

The sound of yelling and something crashing filled the room. As Vestin laid there waiting to be struck he heard a knock at the door. It creaked open and a voice could be heard whispering.

"Sire, there is news of the queen waking."

"What, how long has she been awake?"

"Apparently, she just opened her eyes not long after you left her side."

" Why are you just now telling me this? That was about three hours ago."

"The news only just came to me, Sire, I came to report this once I heard of it. She is being treated now by the mages. It seems her legs are no longer usable."

"So they finally show their faces."

"Their powers are useless unless the person receiving treatment has the will to recover."

"Che...let us go. I can return here at a later time."

Left to lay on the floor Vestin listened as the footsteps grew further and further away. Once he knew no one was around he let out a small sigh.


Images of her smiling face flashed before him as he slipped off into the darkness of his mind. He heard her voice dance into his ear. The way she called out to him and how she would say his name. He heard her nagging him about running off by himself and get hurt. He felt the warmth of her hand on his forehead as she looked over him. This was it, he thought to himself. His body could no longer hold on. The fact that he was so disoriented that his hallucinations felt real could only mean it was time for him to move on. The endless torture would finally be over. He slipped further into his thoughts, finding them to be more comfortable than the reality he was stuck in. One tear escaped him as he lost consciousness and went into a deep sleep.

The door to his room was opened and three men walked in. They saw the batter Vestin tied to a tipped chair and a bloody cloth covering his eyes.

"He is too far gone to walk by himself, we have no choice, we'll have to use it."

"Are you sure? Once we do it will tip off anyone who has aptitude."

"He's right."

"What other choice do we have? If we don't get him out of here then the mission is done. Do you want to explain to the king why we couldn't get one man back to him?"

"No, King Robert has a tender heart, but his furry is just like his father's. You go lock the door and barricade it."

"We'll leave him tied for now and release him once we get back. Let's hurry."

Drawing a circle with sand around Vestin and themselves they placed the three candles in the room in three corners and each kneeled behind one. Chanting the words of an ancient prayer the floor lit up and the men reached out their hands to form the walls of a triangle. The light soon engulfed the whole room and everything began to shake. The voice of guards came flooding from behind the blocked door and as the men looked up towards the ceiling twenty men came crashing into the room only to find all that was left was a circle of sand and the three candles.

The men looked at each other and sweat pooled on their faces as they all grew pale.

"Which one of you will be reporting this to Jayel?"

Fear washed over them in waves as they each looked down at the floor. Whichever unlucky bastard had to be the one it was almost a given that they would not be seen alive afterward, but they all knew that if they did not report this that everyone in the room was as good as dead.

"Leave this to me..." An old guard said.

The men looked at him with relief and pity in their eyes.

"Just go on with the rest of your duties. I will report what happened."

"Yes, sir."

The man waited for the group to clear out then walked out the room and closed the door. Upon closing the door he looked around to make sure the close was clear then tapped it twice and opened it back up. The room looked just like Jayel had left it. Right down to Vestin tied up in a chair laid out on the floor. The old man smiled to himself then closed the door.

"That should keep them unaware of things for the time being."

He walked down the hall toan opened window then upon jumping out of it turned himself into a bird andflew off in the direction of Massca.

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