Episode 43: His Only Hope

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He heard the footsteps as they came down the hall. His eyes had been covered and he had no idea how long he'd been kept tied up and blindfolded. The smell of wet moss filled the air around him and from the sound of the steps he could tell he must be in a secluded section of the castle. He knew they had moved him from the room he had been in before due to the strong smell of staleness in the air, but how far into the castle he didn't know because he was knocked unconscious at that time and when he came to, he was in complete darkness and silence. It was madding as his thoughts played in his mind over and over. He wondered if his torture would continue or if would he see death instead. They more than likely moved him so that if he happened to scream no one would be around to hear. The sound of the door creaking let him know that someone had come into the room. He caught a whiff of a strong cologne, its scent turning his stomach into knots, so sickeningly sweet it was surprising that anyone would enjoy such a fragrance. He heard laughter and gripped the arms of the chair he was tied to.

"It's time for us to continue our game, old friend."

Vestin smiled and a weak chuckle escaped his throat.

"If this is how you treat your friends, I'm wondering what treatment your enemies receive."

He felt a hand caress his face then a harsh blow struck his cheek. His teeth clenched tight so as not to utter a sound as he anticipated each strike he received after that. He counted each one in his head; fourteen, fifteen, sixteen...it became calm after twenty. The stinging sensation on the right side of his face was accompanied with the fresh taste of his own blood. His lips painted red as it pooled into his mouth.

A hand ran its fingers into his hair and pushed it back as it lifted his head upwards.

"Come on, it's okay to cry out a bit. That old man was a pretty tough one to crack as well...but in the end he gave in. Just like you will."

Vestin raised an eyebrow as he used the good side of his face to smile. A soft chuckle echoing in his throat.

"So you wish to beat me into submission? Then why cover my face? Are you afraid to look me in the eyes as you strike me? Such a cowardly method."

Vestin spit blood from mouth and it landed on the man's face. Furious the man grabbed Vestin's hair and pulled his head back so hard it sent a pain down his neck and into his shoulders.

Waiting to see what kind of reaction he got from him he leaned in close to his face and watched as the hair he held stretched from Vestin's scalp.

"Do you truly think that mocking me is the best idea? I hold your life in my hands right now. All you had to do was write one letter asking the princess to come here. Why won't you just do it and this will all be over. I will take you back to the guest room and we can enjoy a meal together."

Vestin laughed hysterically as the man's hot breath full of sweet wine filled his nose.

"You really should cut back on the sugars, Jayel."

The grip on his hair pulled harder and he could feel himself beginning to fall. The hand released as he felt the chair he sat in tip backward. Hitting his head hard on the floor he clenched the arms of the chair and held in his painful groans. He felt the weight of a body sit on his chest and then a finger tracing where his right eye was. Slowly the pressure of the finger grew stronger and stronger. Digging into his head as the finger nail poked at his bone.

"You need to just face reality, Vestin, the only way you can keep yourself alive is to give me what I want. You can play tough if you wish, but it will only end badly for you. Send for the princess." Jayel whispered in Vestin's ear.

Vestin began to breathe heavily as he felt his eye about to be pushed back into his head. With his body pumping with adrenaline he forced himself to laugh again.

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