Episode 37: The True Master

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He stood in front of an opened window staring out into the vast sky. The wind caressed his face as the smell of trees and ocean lingered in his nose. He scanned the surrounding area and smiled. It would all be his soon. Everything that his eyes looked upon would be under his control once his plan was complete. Only a few more days and everything would be in place the only thing missing were the bride and his best man. The smile on his face widened as plans for his coronation played out in his head. He would have to keep that dumb princess alive for moment, maybe until she at least gave him an heir. That would give him more of hold on the throne once the princess was no longer in the picture. He figured a year would be enough time to get her pregnant, but how longer to keep her alive after was what puzzled him. A knock came to the door and interrupted his train of thought. With a sigh he looked back at the door.

"Enter if you must."

Three soldiers came in as he sat down in a chair next to the window. They each took a knee before him and took turns kissing his shoe then stood back up.

"Sire, we were able to capture all the men except for four of them."

He rolled his eyes and scoffed. The fools probably gave up searching for all of them and brought back the ones they thought were expendable. He would have them publicly whipped in front of the other soldiers as examples of not following orders through, but first

"Who is missing?"

The men looked at each other, none of them wanted to give the report, but knew it was worse to not to answer his question. After a brief silence, one of them spoke.

"A Gidens, Jensek, and... the captain himself, Vestin."

Jayel balled up his fist at the mention of Vestin's name. A low growl excepted his throat, and he dug his nails into the palm of his hand. The color in his face became a crimson red as he held the urge to lunge forward and strangle men before him. Of all the men that could have eluded him. He stared at them and watched as the pile of sweat built upon their foreheads. He grit his teeth as he relaxed his fist.

"Have you taken care of all the other men?"

"Yes, Sire, they have all been stabbed in the heart or hung at the neck while being burned."

Some of them received a soldier's death and died with honor, as heroes. The one who showed them such mercy would pay for it, but he still smiled upon hearing that they were dead. He couldn't have men that didn't follow orders correctly walking free. It was Vestin's fault they all died, and he would show him the consequences of betraying his trust.

"Good, but the ones who were stabbed through the heart, take their heads, and use the bodies as decoration at the entrance of the city near the Eastern gate. Let it be a warning to those who wish to join that pathetic captain and his petty rebellion."

"There is something else, Sire."

The smile on his face disappeared once more and he cut his eyes at the men standing before him. He got up out of his seat and slowly made his to the one closest to him.

"What is it?"

Shaking slightly the man swallowed hard and clenched his teeth tightly.

"We only captured one of them, but it seems that a few of the soldiers that helped the nurse escape with the princess that night is still alive. The ones that the queen informed us of."

Jayel screwed up his face and waved off the report then began to walk back to his chair.

"There is no need for concern, they are old by now, what can an old man on their deathbed do?"

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