(𝙽𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚜𝙾𝚞𝚝) Chapter 8

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    *𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑑*

After Johnny left I needed time to comprehend the sudden change in everything, his words, his tone, his actions hell even the fuckers mood. He seemed so sweet when he first came to me but then slowly turned like I was pressing a button repeatedly. But all I did was stand up for myself and not take the shit like I always do but that didn't matter it was the fact that even after the hurtful words that came out of his shinned lip mouth he still had to audacity to kiss me, like did I really give him the idea that it was that easy.

I sat down on the green sofa and turned on the tv, when happy days came on. One of my favorite shows to bad it ended, let me tell you I cried really hard when it did.

  I needed to take my mind off things and this was really doing the job. I guess that I had grown a bit numb to Johnnys cruel words recently I mean they would hurt really bad but I suppose I always knew he would bounce back and he would apologize, but this was different he wasn't acting himself. Everything about it was wrong to me and the weirdest thing that it didn't sting as much as I thought it would when the words cane out of his mouth maybe I'm used to the abuse.

When my mom finally came home I tried my best to explain the situation to her and why I was feeling so blue all of a sudden she listened to the best ability all she really said was "that jerk" "mhm" "oh my god" "okay". But it eventually led up to "you shouldn't talk to him again he isn't worth your time" which everyone I knew and do know has told me that.

Even in our previous friendships whenever he would get angry he would have massive freak outs especially when people would be mean to me or I would avoid him. Then the dots started connecting, Johnny has never told me about him past to much all I knew was he came from a very loud and abusive household and he is a very impressionable person. He didn't learn the wrongs and rights or how to manage certain things. I think he was taught by his father to only do something if it benefits you I believe Johnny told me that once. And normally he would get so angry he would throw out hurtful things and make you feel like shit trying to get you closer to him which makes no sense.

But that still wasn't enough for me just to forgive him and come crashing to his arms again. This hurts and I still keep walking into the bear trap on purpose, if you could tell me why I would give you anything in the world that you would want.

As I stepped into the car of Parker Nevins I give him a big hug because I dearly missed my bestfriend "what's up Nevins, how was your weekend tell me the news" I smile as I strap in my seatbelt "look just because I finally let out my last name dosent mean that you can just use it all the time, and" he pauses and looks up at me "embarrass me" he says with his eye brows up "I will do what I please with the news I received" my eyes widen at my sudden ingenious rhyme "well I'm a poet and didn't know it- well there I go again" I trail off "but back to the question of how was your weekend..well how was it" I look over at him in anticipation. "It was nice seeing family, it was so warm and toasty in Arizona, I loved it but I didn't like how much fighting my aunts and uncles and my cousins did, hint the reason we only stayed a weekend cause of how chaotic my family can be" he chucked "well the first part sounds very enjoyable but the second part not so much" I frown "yeah but what are you gonna do... so how was your weekend"

My mind shoots back to Johnny and what happened curse this fucking weekend "was not the greatest but I don't really wanna get into it" I lean back "no, are you sure? Cause I'm here to listen" he reassures. "nah, I'm fine" he just nods and I take in the breeze on my face.

When I got to school it felt like the whole junior class was starring at me, like I was really a joke. I was used to the normal dirty look or mindless teens pushing me out of the way to get to another mindless teen but this was different, this was actual staring like I was a capital felon. The staring made me feel uncomfortable I assume that I was so used to being look passed that someone finally looking over.

When I got to the first period there was barely anyone there so I could ease up a little and take notes considerably focusing but when I got to second period it changed. Second period was my first hour with Johnny who I sat next too and there was a full house right when I walked in. "What the fuck is happening" I think to myself as I sit down slowly next to Johnny as get out my notebook and pencil.

After I felt Johnny's eyes lingering on my head for the past 5 minutes I decided to ask the grade A question "what the hell is going on" I mumble "oh you haven't heard" he snaps back immediately "no" my eyebrows knit "your a piece of shit" he smiles "what" I chuckle "that's not a reason for how many people have been starring at me" I scoff "Oh yeah I told them we are together" he says.

Sorry if this chapter sucks I really don't like editing lmaooo.

𝑇𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒☾.  (Johnny depp)Where stories live. Discover now