Officer Ashley

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"How's Masky?" She asked.

Hoodie chuckled.

"Pissed. But, Toby did find a first-aid kit and patched him up to the best of his ability."

"If I can find the proper equipment, I'll stitch him up. Jack taught me how."

Hoodie snickered and held her out at arms length.

"Why'd he teach you and not one of us?"

(Y/N) smiled in return.

"He's one of my best friends, so he has the patience for my incessant nagging."

Hoodie chuckled again and stood up from the curb, holding out his hand to her. (Y/N) smiled and took it. Holding her hand, Hoodie led her back into the apartment building.

In the hall outside of Carl's apartment, Masky was sitting on the floor, leaned up against the wall with Toby still wrapping bandages around his injured arm. Once Hoodie and (Y/N) approached them, they both looked up, but quickly looked back down. 

"Toby," Hoodie called, "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

Toby nodded silently and set down the bandages. He stood up from his place and walked up to Hoodie, not even breathing in (Y/N)'s direction. While she did feel a little hurt by this, she ignored it, knowing that Hoodie was most likely going to repeat the story to him. Once they disappeared down the hallway, (Y/N) was left alone with a silent yet raging Masky.

She slowly took Toby's place beside him and reached for his heavily bandaged arm. Even through the layers and layers of fabric, blood was still seeping through. Once her fingertips touched his arm, Masky abruptly yanked his arm away with a huff.

"Can I please see it?" (Y/N) asked quietly.

When Masky didn't respond, she reached for his arm again, only to have him repeat his movements but with more force.


"What?!" He burst out.

Usually, this would've frightened (Y/N), but with all that had gone on before, she just sat there and took it.

"Can I please see your arm?" She asked again.

"You've already seen it," Masky spat, "You saw it when you cut my arm because you just wanted to be selfish."

(Y/N) sighed.

"Masky that's not the reason," she muttered.

"Oh I think it is, (L/N)! You may have talked Brian into something because he has a soft spot for you, but it won't work on me. I'm smarter than that. And I know that what you did was because you're just a selfish child who doesn't care about anyone else."

(Y/N) knew it was just his anger talking, but his words still hurt. She found herself trying to hold back her tears as she continued to try to reason with him.

"If you think that about me... fine. Think that way. But if you'll listen I could give you better reasoning."

"I don't want it."

(Y/N) sighed and watched her hand play with the carpet. It felt like sandpaper between her fingers. After a few minutes of sitting in tense silence, thundering footsteps could be heard coming down the hall. (Y/N)'s head darted up to see Toby running towards her.

When he reached her, he threw himself into her arms and yelled apologies into her stomach. (Y/N) sat in shock for a moment before chuckling and reassuring him.

"You changed your opinion about me quickly," she smiled as she watched Hoodie mutter something to Masky.

"I know I'm sorry I shouldn't've been so quick to judge and I'm really sorry and Hoodie told me everything and I feel so bad and I knew that nothing was really wrong with you and that you were just mad and I didn't know why so I thought you were killing Masky then leaving us forever so then I got mad and I'm sorryyyy," Toby rambled.

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