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This explains most of the story! Its not really part of the story but you might need to know some of it! 

So basically, most people in this world have something on their heads. This includes but is not limited to ; Horns, Wings, Animal ears, etc. These are closely related to their fighting forms. Fighting forms are the forms that the body creates to better fight, however it does not happen all of the time. This basically means that if Wesley's fighting form is bat wings and a devil tail, he will not always be walking around with the wings. However, most people can control when they're taken out and put away. People with wings on their head usually get a bigger version of those wings on their back and then usually a tail. I'll put up refs sometime.

Curses are something that they are born with. Some people are born without curses though, and some earn them. An easy way to get cursed is to kill a roaming spirit of an animal or human. A person can be cursed once but if they get the curse lifted, they cannot be cursed again or double cursed while they still have it UNLESS they kill the roaming spirits.

The roaming spirits are not really *dead* they are just a certain race of people that can turn into shadow creatures rather than fighting forms. If a person kills a roaming spirit, the spirit will have to attach its shadow creature to that person. These curses can be reversed without having to get it lifted but it is very difficult to do.

The Waterford program for lifting the curses is used because it is impossible to lift a curse at home. The program has support of the higher ups, aka the most powerful people, and they combine their power to lift the curses of those who have worked for it and then they encourage those who have lifted their curses to defend against ones who have not lifted their curse, this lets the curse get stronger and eventually when that person becomes of a certain age, the curse can control them. This drives them to utter chaos and warfare in the mind, creating an angry husk of a person who only wishes to destroy others or themselves.

The reason that they don't just lift every curse is because they don't want to unleash something too powerful without the promise of power control. 

Our first main character is Wesley Alder. He has the power of fire and he is cursed with a shadow creature attachment. This creature is the form of a cat and he goes by the name Orion. Yes, this does mean that Wesley killed a roaming spirit.

Next we have Reojin Torres. He's got yellow fire and angel wings on his head. His curse is a sickness that is not contagious but it gets worse when he goes into his fighting form (bigger wings on his back and a black and white dragon-like tail with yellow fire burning at the tip). Because of this he tends to try to befriend stronger people, so they can protect him if he gets attacked by something. He has a crush on Robin Taylor.

Robin Taylor is the only main character not pictured in the cover. He has black hair with a white strip in the front. He has black wings on his head with one white stripe on each wing. His power is like electricity but like flipped. It looks similar but its black and it can slow things down. His curse is unknown by everybody at Waterford. I'll tell you guys tho ;). His curse is based on his feelings. If his emotional state becomes too negative then he'll lose his ability to control everything. Luckily, he's trained himself to be mature and nearly emotionless.

I hope you enjoy this story!

Comment if you think anything needs to be changed or if you find any spelling errors! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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