Chapter 1 - Annoying Triad Scum

Start from the beginning


"I must be wrong, let's get out of here." She jumped to her feet and walked across the room, sort of towards the exit, but not directly.

"Chief? Shouldn't we-" Fei started, but shut up when Toph put a finger to her lips.

All the officers' eyes were on her at once. She took a deep breath and pulled open the door to the closet in the corner of the room.

Being very focused on making it as sudden and unexpected as possible, she failed to prepare herself for the person inside hitting first. And that he did, launching himself feet first into her and knocking her to the ground.

How could she've been that reckless? He'd been supporting himself by the closet's frame inside, so the wood muffled his image, but she still should've realized someone was there. She would've if she'd been focused. Maybe Monk Supreme was right, maybe these games had no place during work hours... No, that wasn't it.

The man got himself up and running before she did, but not by much. She was just after him and out of the building in no more than a few seconds.

"Fuck him up, Chief!" Huang shouted after her.

Oh, she intended to.

Under her feet the street formed a wave, which traveled straight for the running criminal with impressive speed. He stopped it just as it was about to crash into him.

So an earthbender...

The weirdly shaped concrete formed a nice bit of cover for him, so he didn't seem bothered by the rocks Toph was throwing his way. However, the second she stopped he threw some projectiles back at her, or course, having no effect either.

It looked like neither of them was really getting anywhere in that fight but Toph was closer and closer to him with every move and soon he'd be in the range of her cables. As a last, desperate measure, he threw what was probably a bench in her direction, but she dodged it with ease, gaining an opening that allowed her to punch him square in the face.

He fell to the ground and before he could get his senses back, she had him enveloped in metal.

"That was wood, you couldn't have seen it coming!"

"So you're saying I'm faking this?" Toph crouched down so he could see her face, and her eyes, then waved a hand in front of them.

"I'm saying it's impossible!"

"No... Running away from me, that's impossible."


"How's that ice serving ya?" Toph asked once they got the criminal into one of their interrogation rooms. She'd instructed Fei to run and get him some ice, since her officers informed her the punch was swelling up the guy's eye.

"Better than that file will serve you, I'm sure..." He was referring to his record in her hand.

"Don't worry, I know everything that's here, I don't need to read. I was briefed." She slammed the bunch of papers on the table. She specifically paid attention with her feet to see if he'd flinch. He didn't. "First name, Kanto. Last name, unknown or non-existent."


"Great." She turned from him to the door. "Somebody back there write that the fuck down!"

"Yeah, Chief!" she heard back.

"Criminal record." She sat down opposite Kanto. "Pickpocketing at fifteen, shoplifting. Possession and arson at sixteen, more pickpocketing. A robbery allegation at seventeen and that's when it stops... What happened, Kanto? You finally get good at what you do?"

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