Hitoshi Special

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I low-key forgot about Hitoshi Shinso. And now I feel bad. So, here's a quick Birthday story.

I was in my room sitting on my bed contemplating. What should I get Hitoshi for his birthday? I know he doesn't want anything too big. Just something small to at least let him know I remembered. I texted him to come over to my house since I have a gift for him. Which is a lie and don't have shit for him. And now I'm panicking. If it were Denkis Birthday I wouldn't do shit for him since he knows I remember, but don't care. But with Hitoshi it's different. He's insecure as it is and I don't wanna make things worse for him.

Then it hit me. The perfect and cutest gift ever.


When I got back home Hitoshi still wasn't here which is good. I quickly put my gift in a huge gift bag and put the thing I got for myself on my bed.

I was heading downstairs to the living room when I heard a knock on the door. My mom answered the door for me when I got down.

"Hi, Mrs.Bakugo!" He greeted. She nodded and let him in. She closed the door behind him. She winked at me before leaving us alone. God, she knows I have boyfriend already...

I handed the gift bag to Hitoshi, "Happy birthday!"

He smiled slightly. He opened and gave me a slight glare as he took out the purple cat onesie. I giggled.

"I fucking hate you," he said while also going to the bathroom to put it on. I did a little happy dance that he liked it and went to put on mine.


I ran downstairs in my (f/c) cat onesie. I jumped down the last few steps and meowed. He glared at me more as I walked up to him.

"What anime do you wanna watch?" I asked. He looked up in thought. "And you have genuinely enjoy it. It can't be just cause you want to see cats."

He sighed, "Haikyuu."

I put on Haikyuu and we watched together. He just started getting into this anime. As for me I'm still on season 4, but I'm almost done. So, I have to watch the beginning again with Hitoshi but it doesn't bother me.

"Thank you, Y/n. It means alot that went out of your way to do this for me," he smiled slightly. I returned the smile.

"Of course!" I beamed. "That's what friends are for!" His cheeks turned a bright pink as he looked back to the TV.

"Friends," he repeated. He looked back at and smiled more widely. "I like the sound of that."

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