Knock on the door

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In the early hours of the morning the entire house was asleep until the silence was broken by a knock on the door. Jack slowly got out of bed and put her slippers on. She was a tall women around 5'8, she had brown eyes and brows hair. Jack was in her 20s and she was a transfer from America, she had been living with jack and Ian. Jack walked to the door and opened it. There was a police man standing there.

"Jack Starbright?" The policeman said,

"Yes.... is everything okay officer?" Jack nervously said,

"i have some bad news... may i come in?"

Jack let the officer in and they both sat down in the living room. A few seconds later Alex came walking down the stairs in his pajamas. He was a tall boy around 6 foot, he had brown to blonde hair and blue eyes. 

"Is everything okay?" Alex said

"Alex... Ian... he is dead..." Jack said with tears in her eyes.

Ian Rider was Alex's uncle who was an MI6 agent but hid that from Alex and Jack therefore, the police had believed that he died in a car accident, at least that what MI6 had told them. Alex sat down and asked the police how it had happened.

"Ian had died in a car accident a few hours ago..." said the policeman with sympathy. 

"Do you know what he was doing out that early, he had told me and Jack he was going out be he didnt say where or for how long?" Alex asked.

The policeman replied "We searched the car for clues and we found a card with a name on, Richard Valentine. Does that name sound familiar to you? 

Alex thought and then answered "I dont think i have ever heard of that name.."

"Okay well we are really sorry for your loss and details about the funeral will come through to you in a few days" The policeman got up and shut the door.

Jack and Alex hugged eachother for a few seconds and then headed back up to bed. They each went into their own rooms and fell asleep. 

A few hours later at 7am Alex's alarm went off. He walked to the bathroom and has a shower and brushed his teeth. Jack, who was already up and ready, was making breakfast downstairs.

"Morning, again" Alex let out a weak laugh.

"Hey bud, you alright now?" Jack said.

"yeah I'm just trying to stay strong. The funeral details came in the post look." Jack said and handed Jack the papers.

"Tomorrow at 11am" She said. "do you have black clothes"

Alex replied "Yeah i have that suit from my nans funeral and it still fits so i am okay for that, how about you?" 

Jack thought and then answered "Yeah i have some upstairs" 

They both looked at eachother feeling sorry for themselves. Alex and Jack walked upstairs to their bedrooms and went to sleep.

The next morning Alex was up before Jack and that was a shock because he always wakes up late. Jack came down the stairs in her black clothes and saw Alex was up. 

"Okay i am officialy scared. You never wake up before me what's happening?" Jack said jokingly

"Oh Morning Jack, i set my alarm because of the funeral today." Alex said

"You going to be okay today?" Jack said

"Yeah i'll be fine" He replied. They both sat down and had their breakfast. When they had finished they put their bowls in the sink and got their shoes on. Alex tied his shoes and walked out of the door, Jack then followed. Once they arrived at the funeral they got in their places and sat down.

Jack held Alex's hand "You okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm just staying strong..." Alex replied

"I've heard that phrase before, Alex you aren't okay just cry if you need to..."

Alex didn't cry, in fact he was too shocked to cry or let out any emotion so he just sat there in silence and listened to what the priest had to say. The funeral came to a close and everyone walked out, Jack and Alex stayed behind to look at the grave in remembrance. They both stood there for a minute or two in complete silence, the surroundings went quiet and it was just those two looking at the grave. A few moments later they got into the car and headed back home. When the got home Alex went upstairs and Jack sat in the living room. 

Alex logged onto his laptop to see if he could trace anything about Ian's death, even what he did at work would help him even in the slightest. He found nothing. No files said anything about him, all that time Alex spent looking was wasted. It was getting late so he shouted goodnight down to Jack, brushed his teeth and got into bed.

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