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Alex was on his way to school and then met his friend Tom. Tom was the same height as Alex and he had brown hair and eyes, he was a kid who was into action films and video games. The were both riding their bikes to school ranting on about the film The Purge. It was both of their favourite films.

"Hey Alex, you heard about the new movie coming out? The new purge?" Tom said excitidly

Alex replied "Yeah! I am so happy that a fifth film is coming out I love all of the films! Do you know what the knew one is called though?"

"Nah I don't but what I do know is that its gonna be amazing!" Tom said.

They arrived at the school gates and put their bikes in bike shed. The two boys headed into school and opened their lockers to get their books out. 

"You going to the end of year prom?" Tom asked out of the blue

"Uhh yeah hopefully" Alex replied 

"asked anyone yet?" Tom asked

"Not yet, I am thinking of asking someone though" Alex said as the bell rang.

"WHO?!?" Tom sounded curious.

"wait and find out hah!" Alex walked off to class "see you after!" He shouted down the corridor.

Mr. Truman, the science teacher, was a strict teacher. He hated naughty students, loud classes and especially late  homework! 

"Turn your books onto pag-" Mr Truman was distracted by something. "ALEX RIDER!" He yelled across the room. 

Alex was zoomed out until he heard that loud yell, "uhh- Yes sir..." He replied nervously.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE ZONING OUT IN MY CLASSROOM! GO STAND OUTSIDE THE DOOR NOW!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. Alex got up and walked out of the room and the teacher followed

"DO NOT EVER ZOOM OUT AGAIN, YOU GOT ME KID!" Mr Truman angrily shouted.

"Yes sir" Alex said

They both walked back into the classroom and Alex took his seat. Finally, the bell rang for lunch, Alex and Tom had met up on the benches outside and sat on the table. 

"I heard you got a wailing from Mr Truman?" Tom said.

"yeah he is so annoying" Alex rolled his eyes. 

Tom pulled out his phone "watch this its a video of Mr Truman burning his arm its the funniest thing I have ever seen! His reaction is priceless!"

The English teacher walked over "Tom phone now" 

Tom whined "but miss I was texting my mom" 

"No exuses give me your phone." She said. Tom gave the teacher his phone and they walked off to their next lesson. 

Its now end of school and the boys met up again. "Hey how was English haha" Alex laughed at Tom

"Oh haha hilarious" Tom replied with sarcasm.

They both got their bikes and went home

"Alex?" Tom said 

"Yeah Tom?" Alex replied

"wanna come round mine tomorrow and have a movie night" He asked

Alex hesitated and then smiled "sure why not" 

They both went their separate ways and got home. When Alex got home there was someone waiting for him. 

"Hey Ja-" Alex was interupted by two people standing in the living room. Alan Blunt and Mrs Jones. Alan Blunt was a tall man who had grey hair and blue eyes. He was also a very serious person. Mrs Jones was a tallish women who had brown hair and brown eyes. She was a brown skin tone women and she was usally a cheerful looking women. 

"Alex please come and sit down" Mrs Jones said "We are hear to talk to you about your Uncles death. Do you know what he was doing out" 

"Look i have already explained all of this to the police i dont need to explain it to you again! Who even are you anyway!" Alex raised his voice. 

"Alex" Jack said, "They are only here to help they are from the band where your uncle had worked."

"Oh" Alex looked to the floor

"Now can you tell us anything else about your uncle?" Blunt asked.

"I cant tell you anything that you already dont know."

"Okay well here is a card" Blunt handed Alex a card, "call this number whenever you need our help and we will offer it to you" Blunt and Mrs Jones both got up and walked out of the door. 

Alex and Jack looked at eachother in confusion. What just happened? What is the card for? Why did people from the bank want to come and speak to them? They had so many questions running through their minds at this point. Jack got up and laid the table for dinner. 

"Sushi for dinner" Jack said. "You okay with that?"

"yeah i love sushi!" Alex replied as he walked over to the table. 

"so what do you think that was all about then with those people from the bank?" Jack asked

Alex hesitated "I have no idea but lets try to forget that we have the funeral tomorrow i dont need anything else on my hands." They both ate their sushi. 

"That was amazing! Thanks for making that Jack" Alex said

"No problem, what are you doing now?" I am just gonna head up for the night." Alex walked up the stairs "Night Jack" 


Alex looked at his phone and looked at the card. He typed the number into the phone and called it. 

Alex read out what it said on the card "London Bank Services 107" There was silence for a brief second,

"Taking you through to MI6" The other end of the phone replied.

Alex froze and thought to himself MI6?! What were they doing on the phone to Alex? Did they have something to do with Ians death?

A black car pulled outside the house and Alex went downstairs to see what it was, at this point Jack was fast asleep bearing in mind it was 10pm. Alex silently but swiftly walked down the stairs to the front door and opened it. He walked towards the car to find Mrs Jones sitting in the car. Alex got in the car and it drove off...

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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StormbreakerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon