I shook my head, saying no and her eyes widened by the second.

"What? You like The Office but you've never seen Parks and Rec?"

"Nope. I've never seen it." I chuckled at her surprised expression as she grabbed for the remote to turn on Netflix.

"Austin we have to watch it. I promise you'll like it. Of course nothing compares to The Office but it's hilarious."

"I'm down to watch it. I already know you have really good taste Lena." I smirked at her.

Her eyes instinctively rolled to the back of her head as she knew I was jokingly referring to myself.

"Actually rockstar, my taste is mediocre at best." She wrinkled her nose, taking a shot at me.

"Oh yeah groupie?" I rasped just before I lowered my voice even further.

"Then I guess you don't need any of my mediocre cock."

She gave me the slightest of scowls as her plump lips puckered in disappointment

"Babe I was just kidding." She pouted quietly, her hand now gripping my forearm. "You are anything but mediocre in the bedroom."

"Oh really? Tell me exactly how I am in the bedroom." I teased before I began to mock her. "Austin you are a sex god, I cannot get enough of your huge-"

"Okay first of all Austin that's enough. They're going to hear you." She softly giggled, gesturing to Natalie and Chris who were both stealing glances in our direction. "And second of all, I never said you were a sex god."

"I don't care Lee. Maybe they should know exactly how good I fuck you." My hand gripped her thigh firmly. "And don't worry, you'll be saying it real fucking soon."

She bit down onto her bottom lip giving me a sly look, almost as if she nearly agreed with me.

"You're bad." She shook her head from side to side.

I answered in a low whisper, causing her lips to turn into a devilish smile.

"I'm gonna show you exactly how bad baby girl."

Lena POV

I tip toed down the hall to Austin's room just as I was almost finished getting ready for the evening.

We were all going to a lounge to enjoy our time off for the week in Utah and somehow Austin got roped into being the performance for the night.

The poor guy couldn't catch a break. And what made it worse was he didn't know how to say no when it came to taking any days off.

My thoughts dwelled on the man I was in love with as I couldn't believe everything that had occured between us.

I chewed my bottom lip as I was hoping and praying I didn't make a mistake by slowly but surely opening up to him.

I barely talked about my past with anyone. I didn't want their sympathy when I had worked so hard to get to where I was. I didn't need anyone feeling sorry for me.

But there were something about those pools of baby blues that always seemed to invite me in and make all of my troubles vanish into thin air.

His soft gaze and calming presence told me it was okay to trust him and spill my feelings that I had tried so hard to bury.

This was a huge step for me, as the topic of my childhood had always been a touchy subject. But it was a start and I could feel my heart taking baby steps to let Austin in for good.

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