Sakayanagi SS (Edited)

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Sakayanagi Arisu POV

It was that day I had met him; it was as if something fated us to meet. While I was walking on the streets, with my father and his bodyguard, we were attacked, first smoke bombs, then discard the bodyguards, lastly knocked my father out. Though their target wasn't my father, it was me. They blindfolded and gag me, then took me to their car. With my handicap, I can not resist very well. They took me to what I assume is a van, and we drove for 14 minutes, then we got off the van, and one man carried me to a place. I had my legs and hand-tied up, my eyes blindfolded and gaged. Though on the outside, I am not panicking, on the inside, a small part of me is scared, its human instincts. I wonder how I will get out of this situation. Those kidnappers seem to be inexperienced, although they prepare everything carefully, they are very clumsy. That's no wonder, judging from their voice they seem to be in high school. Since their target is me, this is most likely a ploy to get revenge on my father. Their reason could also be their drop out of my father's school.

After some time chatting, they eventually got quiet, and one person dial my father's phone number, my father pick up

"We have your daughter, if you don't obey us, then your daughter will be the one suffering the consequences do you understand?"

[Stay calm, I can obey any demand, can I hear my daughter first in order to check if she is safe?]

"Ha? We are the ones making the demands here, get us 17 million dollars, don't fool me with yen, and I will text the place later. Put the money there in an hour "

[Wait, it would be quite a while to get, please give us time]

But that is quite strange, my father wouldn't talk this much in a situation. This is the first time I got kidnapped, so he might have gotten scared.

"Hey, hey, boss, why don't we play with this girl for a bit, we have time right?" One guy said as he caresses my cheeks. It felt quite disgusting.

There was silence. The 'boss' seems to be thinking.

"Don't be too rough with the package, it would be bad he decides to bring us all down with him." There was a lot of laughter, and I could feel most of the man coming closer. Unconsciously I balled up, even though I was tied.



There was silence again, the 'boss'' voice called out, who is it through the door.

"Are you interested in~"


The door was kicked down, judging from the sound.

"Hmm, Kiyo-tan, just injure them. There is no need to cause trouble him."

I heard a male said. Then, I heard screams, the screams of the male that kidnapped me.

Then, silent. But it was broken long before long with footsteps. One left the room, and the other one walked towards me. When he took off my blindfold and I saw his face. It was cute, but he has a very hubristic smirk. This made my face burned. I am a girl. No matter who they are, they are almost certain to have a dream of a white shining knight saving them. Back to the situation.

"Kuku, you are a lot cuter in the pictures. Anyway, I did what I promised. My job is done here."


Although unsightly, it was enough to get his attention. He took off my gag and ask, "Hm? You said something?"

"Who are you? What is your name? Where did the other person go?"

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